Woody Harrelson Visits the San Francisco D.A.'s Office



San Francisco -- Yes, that was actor Woody Harrelson visiting the San
Francisco D.A.'s office the other day. And no, he wasn't in some kind of
trouble -- he was there as the lunch guest of Terence Hallinan.
Seems that Woody and Terence share a common interest: marijuana --
especially the medical kind. In fact, the liberal Hallinan was nice enough
to take Harrelson on a tour of the city's cannabis clubs.
"Woody has been very active in the movement, but he's never been to one
before," says D.A. spokesman Fred Gardner. "It really is a mind blower to
see people consuming cannabis right in the middle of the city."
Now, there were reports that Woody was more than just a little
twinkle-eyed after the tour -- but all we can say is that they're just
that, rumors.
As for that smile on Hallinan's face, chalk it up to all those Board of
Supes election wins over the mayor -- who's been beating up on him lately
for being too lenient on drugs.

Chronicle columnists Phillip Matier and Andrew Ross can be heard on KGO
Radio on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Phil Matier can also be seen
regularly on KRON-TV. Call them at (415) 777-8815. Their e-mail address is
Copyright 2000 SF Chronicle
Dale Gieringer (415) 563-5858 // canorml@igc.org
2215-R Market St. #278, San Francisco CA 94114

December 15, 2000 (San Francisco Chronicle)
Hallinan Leads Actor on Mellow Tour of Medical Pot Clubs
Phillip Matier, Andrew Ross
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