Xzibit Issued $100 Citation For Marijuana In Baggage


New Member
Rapper Alvin Nathaniel Joiner, also known as Xzibit, was caught early Sunday morning at the Guam airport with about two grams of marijuana in his baggage, but was not arrested.

Xzibit was issued a notice of citation, which bears a fine of $100 and was allowed to perform at a concert later that night, said Guam Customs and Quarantine Agency spokeswoman Lt. Darlene Merfalen.

Xzibit, who is also the host for MTV's "Pimp My Ride," was on tour for his new album, "Weapons of Mass Destruction," when he made his stop on Guam Sunday to perform at the University of Guam. Xzibit arrived here on a flight from Manila, Merfalen said.

"During the course of using our canine going through the bags, one of our canine dogs ... detected something in one of the bags that was being brought in," Merfalen said.

After further inspection, a customs officer found two grams of marijuana, she said.

"The suspected green vegetable-like substance showed to be marijuana after a drug field test was conducted by the customs officer," Merfalen said, adding, "He admitted to it. It was in his bag."

Xzibit was issued a citation which bears a fine of $100.

"The citation was the penalty that was given to him because it is less than an ounce of marijuana. Anything that is less than an ounce of marijuana, a notice of citation to appear is issued," Merfalen said.

She said the citations are usually dealt with in traffic court. The court date for the citation is usually set within a month, but Xzibit may not have to appear, depending on the judge, Merfalen said.

"He could just pay the fee," Merfalen said. "But that is already a record with him here on Guam."

Source: Pacific Daily News (US GU)
Copyright: 2005 Pacific Daily News
Contact: https://www.guampdn.com/customerservice/contactus.html
Website: guampdn.com
Xzibit, you kick ass guy!!!
haha seriously huh..... sheiiitt mothafucka is stupid for getting caught with that i could of just easily carried that shit through customs fuck the po.
i think every one in guam gets a ticet if you are cought with less than an ouce. basically decriminalized weed posesion up too an ouce. i think oakland california has the same law. so does alaska
I like Xzibit. Hes pretty cool. Hell he smokes weed, he has to be cool
Xzibit is chill. i dont like the show on mtv he does, but he only does it for the money. he used to spit some good raps back with dre and hittman on the chronic 2001 album. bummer that he got cought. at least he only had to pay a fine of 100 bucks. thats like pocket change to him.

Stoned Stoner said:
you're only saying that cause it's x to the z xzibit...if it was some regular guy that got caught with weed at the airport would you be telling him that he kicks ass?
xzibit kicks ass because i like his show on mtv(fuckin car show). if it were an ordinary guy i would say "man what a dumbass!!!". but it aint that way, huh?
I wish that would happen in Indiana. Under an oz only a fine of a 100 bucks. Shit youll go to jail or a seed.
3 Words

Jus 3 words for that X- to the Z mutha Fucka

PIMP MY RIDE!!!!!! :Rasta: :Rasta: :Rasta:
"Hell he smokes weed, he has to be cool"

Not everyone who burns is cool, I definetly know some people that suck who toke.
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