Ohio Marijuana Petition Tossed For Invalid Signatures

Jacob Redmond

Well-Known Member
ResponsibleOhio is proposing a constitutional amendment that would legalize marijuana in Ohio this year.

Ohio's secretary of state is expected to announce as early as Monday whether ResponsibleOhio gathered enough valid signatures of registered Ohio voters to get the measure before voters in 2015.

The group, Responsible Ohio, which was in charge of circulating the petition, vowed that the initiative would've brought high-paying jobs to the state.

In a statement, the federation said its 26-member board of trustees voted at its June 24 meeting against supporting ResponsibleOhio's plan because the bureau said it would distort Ohio's constitution, create a monopoly excluding average Ohioans and put the state at odds with federal law.

"The state constitution is about guaranteeing Ohioans' basic freedoms, not guaranteeing a few people's profits", said John C. (Jack) Fisher, the bureau's executive vice president. If it falls short, ResponsibleOhio will have 10 days to try to make up the shortfall.

The group's executive director, Ian James, said that's where the process gets a little tricky.

"Going forward, we're excited to have conversations with voters about how we can move marijuana from the black market to a safe, taxed and highly-regulated green industry", James said.

The 10 commercial growing licenses could be reduced or expanded to meet demand by the Marijuana Control Commission.

If passed, Ohioans would have been allowed to legally grow and buy their own marijuana. Second it uses the Ohio constitution to do that and then third it places Ohio in direct conflict with federal law. "If those signatures aren't necessarily there on validity we have ten day cure period to go out and get the signatures that we need. How much will it cost Ohio taxpayers to fight that battle?" Marijuana now is legal in Colorado, Washington, Oregon, Alaska and the District of Columbia, which gives Ohio the chance to learn from their experiences. But he believes even supporters of recreational or medical use should oppose the current measure.


News Moderator: Jacob Redmond 420 MAGAZINE ®
Full Article: Pot Petition Tossed For Invalid Signatures | Rapid News Network
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After reading Jacob Redmond's piece (good article) about ResponsibleOhio I think you said enough here i.e.
'In a statement, the federation against supporting ResponsibleOhio's plan because the bureau said it would distort Ohio's constitution, create a monopoly excluding average Ohioans and put the state at odds with federal law.
"The state constitution is about guaranteeing Ohioans' basic freedoms, not guaranteeing a few people's profits", said John C. (Jack) Fisher, the bureau's executive vice president.'

I can wait until they get it right. We do not need a monopoly.
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