Too humid what do i do?

i dont really think it can get much more ventalation. I left the top exposed on my tent for that purpose and iv got my front flap open with a box fan and a small desk fan going. Iv got a small dehumidifier on its way. It should be here like thursday. Im thinkin that'll work ;)
Are you in flowering or veg?

You can push veg up to 70%RH at 70F for optimal growth when the nuets are right, and you're not far off from that. Add co2 to that for sickness, and let the heat rip to 80F for big healthy flowers. :)

In flowering you can lower chances for mold at around 50% RH optimal being 40%, and still have optimal growth around 70F.
Iv been at 12/12 for two weeks now. I found a nice diy co2 thing. I dont think i want to mess with a huge co2 tank just yet this is just my first grow and im on a somewhat tight budget. Im very impatiantly waiting on my dehumidifier... my RH has went up to 77% a few times in the past few days but pretty much stays at 70 most of the time. It acually goes down when the light come on
Most of the DIY CO2 isn't worth it unless you have an ubersmall cabinet.. or a garbage can full of swill to ferment. Tanks and a monitoring controller is the way to go..

Also having a DIY CO2 most likely will increase your RH as you have an open container for it.
Sorry Troublesome. I didn't see you were East coast in my last post. I remember when I lived there and 70% humidity would be nice, except for the plants. I have the opposite problem in the West. I'm having to buy a humidifier to get mine up.

I haven't heard of anyone else trying it, so I'm just throwing this out for opinions from others too. Maybe getting some of that silica stuff that is sometimes packages with electronics to remove moisture, and ducting your incoming air through some of that. I would think if you could find a supply somewhere, you could build something similar to charcoal filters I've seen others build.
I tried using these i found @ HomedePOT...they were help at first but as summer hit i had to find a more effective option..Found a dehumidifier on craigslist for $75..Worth every penny:goodluck:
Dehumidifier is your best option, especially if you are planning more grows in that space because you likely are going to face the same issue over and over again, if this wasnt a persistent problem there would be other ways to lower humidity.

One way is if you have a freezer to freeze 2 liters of water, or larger if you want, and put them on the floor of your growroom. What this does is condenses the air on the outside of the bottle, the reason you have to use a coster with cold drinks is that when the air is humid the cold bottle condenses the air around it, that vapor turns to water on the surface of the container and you get left with a pool of water. This method isnt really cost effective but it should lower the humidity. Another way to lower humidity is to use calcium chloride, calcium chloride pulls water from the air, I use it in chemistry as a drying agent, you can find it at any pool store. As for a setup for how to use calcium chloride, I dunno youd have to figure that out. Calcium Chloride method is better than the ice method imho.
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