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The other day I started a bagseed, in some paper towel, which I proceeded to sow in a Jiffy Cup filled with some organic potting soil from Walmart, some perlite, and some rooting hormone, once it cracked and displayed a root shoot. A couple days later, it's a centimeter tall and showing roots...
Posted in the blog: November 2014
Well, news of the night is, MMJ in FL did not pass. We had about 50% out of almost 12 million registered voters actually vote, with the other half composed of traitorous jerks who should have voted but didn't. Of the people that did vote, about 57.5% voted Yes for Amendment 2, but the...
Posted in the blog: Bad day
Worst day, mentally, in a long time. No thoughts of hurting myself, but I have had no appetite, yet hungry, raging out at people who don't deserve it, depressed to the point of staring into space, and getting pissed off if someone interupts my catatonic stare into nothingness. I have medicine...
Journal to follow, sometime.....soon? Updates here, till then. Soil: Homemade compost, perlite, some "seed starting" crap from Walmart, a few rocks, some Black Kow. Drains rather quickly, but there's water catchers under the pots. Fish Fertilizer 5-1-1, 2x/week or less. Water 3x/week or...
Posted in the blog: August 2014
This past weekend had me wandering through Home Depot and Walmart, gathering supplies, while I had a few-hour wait for going into the Big Red Bus. I got some AK/NK/something-K Lawn & Garden All Purpose Organic Starter Mix For Indoor And Outdoor Gardening, and some 3" Jiffy-Pots at Walmart, a...
Just found this, not sure if it's been posted on before or not. It is a bill introduced to FL Senate, to go recreational and where to use the money from it, and whatnot. The Florida Senate SB 1562: Recreational Marijuana
Posted in the blog: First named indica
Really excited to have just received my first named indica-dominant seeds, in original pouch! Got KC-36, which is White Widow crossed with KC 606. Herbies has them, at I think indoors will be my friend on this one, and I have ten...
Found this on time and date site. You select a location/city to search by, and then you get to see exact times for sunrise/sunset, angles of the sun, and daylight hours. Very useful for us farmers. FAQ: Sunrise and Sunset Times in Any City Here's another one, this is run by Uncle Sam's...
Posted in the blog: My 420th Post
My 420th post on 420Magazine's Formums. :Love::420::thanks::high-five: :peace: :Namaste:
Posted in the blog: KC Brains KC-45, my first auto!
Okay, so, a couple days ago, I stuck a KC-45 Auto seed into a pot of dirt, and watered it. Today, was standing around stoned, and staring at said pot of dirt, when I noticed a little white curly-cue right next to the side of the pot, on top the dirt. Well (a deep subject, I know), after a...
Posted in the blog: Need a vegging area
Usually I veg out in my living room. :tokin: However, my gals need somewhere to vegetate, too. My GOAL: More medicine per plant (higher yields, more efficiency). I think a good way to do that is to veg my plants out. And, I believe, I could get my old cabinet back up and running for...
Posted in the blog: Current Goings-on
Got my closet cat-proofed. Four plants going: A bagseed plant that is doing wonderfully, a month old, vegging, but showing lots of flowers already; a White Widow regular seedling, by Seedsman, about a week old or so; the remains of #3 from my third journal, a bagseed in a 3-liter DWC, and is...
Posted in the blog: Weird leaf
This came off my re-vegging remains of my 3L DWC plant. I pinched the weird leaf off. It looks like half of the leaflet died during development, and the other leaflets are strange, as well.
Posted in the blog: Saddest day for a gardener
Had 3 KC45 Auto's ordered, shipped super stealth, but uninsured. My fault, I guess. Will probably use insured next time. So sad. :(
Posted in the blog: 2L DWC descrippy, by DP :)
2L DWC descrippy, by DP:
I've got a nicely sized closet. Got white paint. Gonna get lights. Gonna get ventilation equipment. Gonna get proper named seeds. Gotta stop buying weed. :rofl: For a bit, anyway. In a few weeks to a month or so, should have a harvest, so I should be able to get the ball rolling. Need to...
Posted in the blog: In between harvests...
Not bad brick. Been buying to hold over till harvest. Not too bad medicine--nothing hurts. Put my ass to sleep, lol. I think it may be S. American commercial. Indica tones. Saving every seed from it. :)
Posted in the blog: I better start saving up
So much shit I want, I better start saving cash, lol. Wanting, rather needing, a better lighting system. Needing good ventilation, and proper air filtration. Needing better nutes. Wanting some named seeds, and/or some autos. Needing a veg space, for a more perpetual grow. Tired of running...
Posted in the blog: Something I'm trying
Just clipped a couple buds that were ready (tiny, but, oh well.) and some trimmed them up. Added the clippings, and some fans, to a little bit of milk (whole milk, cow's), nuked it a bit to warm it, let it steep for a while, then added some coffee from this morning, and nuked again to heat up...
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