Blog entries by stully

Posted in the blog: Generation Next
I looked at my children tonight, well mostly my oldest a 3 year old boy. I watched the way he was already into what is "his" and what is "not his" and always wanting to add a new toy to the arsenal. And I realized this is how it starts. This is where greed and materialism start, in the home with...
Posted in the blog: Run?
So how do you shrug off the stench of life in the 21st century? Is it possible to turn your back on everything you know( or were taught to know), and to set aside all your mis-education and way-lain values, to express yourself with a natural moral instinct? Does that instinct even exist anymore...
Posted in the blog: Is This world real??
I am a natural ponderer, a typical daydreamer, to the extreme. Lately, I have been stuck on a pretty central topic...Life. I just can't bring myself to believe that this is the way the world is supposed to be. Nine to fives, stock options, mutual funds, mortgages, day care, life insurance...You...
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