
So how do you shrug off the stench of life in the 21st century? Is it possible to turn your back on everything you know( or were taught to know), and to set aside all your mis-education and way-lain values, to express yourself with a natural moral instinct? Does that instinct even exist anymore? And what if you can? Do you shut yourself away like an uneventful uni-bomber, or do you quietly die like a hungry Alexander Supertramp? Is it possible to escape the hand of the 21st century digital earth.


I'm trying man...I really am...
But I do not want to fail.
I want to succeed. Success takes planning and passage of time.
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It exists in the back of every one's subconscious. And its very possible to shed off the misleading 'truths' we've been force fed for so long. It's hard as all hell, but living by example is one of the best things you can do for the world as a whole. People will pick up on that and start to look outward at their own lives and actions. The first step is knowing all the things you've already figured out. The next step is controlling the conditioned urges we seem to have, never let the chance to grow and better yourself (based on your opinions, not others) slip through your fingers. Just because we're going to have to struggle to get anything done doesn't mean that we should continue in that way. There is no escape, there is only hope for change. Don't feel alienated because of these realizations. If you ask me, we need more people like you dude. We gotta fight against the foolishness.
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it's a load off my back to read this and think-wait a minute i'm not the only free thinker.
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I know exactly what you mean, this site is really comfortable.
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Gangs Of New York has an underlying theme, well actually not so underlying when you realize the picture Martin Scorsese was trying to weave into this script. I really can't go too much into it, because I haven't studied in such a long time, but please take my suggestion and read the book "A Creature From Jekyll Island" and we will discuss more if you are interested.
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