4 days into flower incredable bulk

Wow changed internet provider, was meant to be seamless but took 3 weeks!!!
Any way i do digress im down to 6 plants chopped 2 down due to room concerns and lost a sleestack... think it had a deficiency of some sort all its leaves folded under and a lot of them had rusty spots all over, didn't have internet so could not research...chopped it yesterday.
Am now into day 4 of flower flipped to a 12 12 light cycle all the feminized are showing female pistols top to bottom on the plants and the regular seeds are not showing sex yet..give it a couple of days and i should know either way!!!
remaining plants are healthy, 4 are under a 600w red spec hps and the other 2 are under my twin lid duel spec cfl.
The increadable bulk is huge and just growing like a beast am hoping for big things from this plant and so far it looks good..am going to upload some up to date pics with this post so tell me what you think guys...-) First pic silver haze second incredible bulk next 2 are cash crop and the new York diesel and super skunk are the 2 in the tent, diesel on the left. pics are not great will post better shots and a better look at the tent set up in the next few days.


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