A Base Treatment Regimen for Cancer

SweetSue;3410453 said:
venexiano;3410386 said:
Hi, my mum has colon cancer which now spread to lungs. Surgery fixed colon, but the issue now are the lungs (metastized and very big cancer, 4 inches, chemio not working). I posted here 10 lines in which I explain in detail her story: https://www.420magazine.com/communi...n-cancer-has-spread-lungs.359222/post-3408976 . We are from Italy and our italian doctor gave us this treatment:

Cannabis flos Bedica 14% THC 6g + Cannabis Flos Bedrolite <1% THC /9% CBD 4g Alcohol 96%
Alcholic solution should be prepared following the procedure in Cannazza et al, 2016 (JPBA), with complete evaporation of solvent.

I guess the reference is a bit off, Cannazza is the last author, it should be Citti et al,2016 (JPBA) and I guess this is the paper: Medicinal cannabis: Principal cannabinoids concentration and their stability evaluated by a high performance liquid chromatography coupled to diode... - PubMed - NCBI . The doctor said that after evaporation the percentages of THC are very similar to Rick Simpson Oil. Any comment on this? Are we doing things right? What about dosage? We are giving 4 drops per day now...is it good? The doctor says to increase by one drop every few days. She already feels a bit high with this dose. Thanks

Hello again venexiano. I'm sorry these have to be the conditions we meet under. From the start we have to acknowledge that we aren't professionals here, just dedicated lab rats willing to search diligently to help you find solutions you're comfortable with.

Let's begin with the understanding that any cannabinoids you're getting into your mother are beneficial, and she can't be hurt from a cannabinoid therapy. How wonderful that Italian doctors are ahead of the learning curve. I'm just sorry that it's still the medicinal last choice instead of the front-line choice it should be. But let's put that frustration aside and get to work.

If I read this correct, you have a tincture? My understanding is 10 grams of a mix of two oils, giving you a product that's 14% THC and 9% CBD. Am I correct about that? I personally would be happier with more THC in that mix. Cajun recommended a 4:1 ratio of THC:CBD for treating lung cancer, and hers is becoming aggressive. Damn chemo! :straightface: Sorry, I try not to let it bother me.

Can you acquire either cannabis with more THC or a tincture with more THC? Barring that we work with what's available and we're thankful it's cannabis we have. I'd recommend you evaporate that solvent off and process the oil into BioBombs. You'll immediately increase the bioavailability of the cannabinoids as well as stretch the oil further. With a little effort you can get much more effect for much less investment. Here's the link to the thread dedicated to them. The thread is carefully monitored, so be assured any questions you leave will be promptly answered. BioBombs: Cannabis Oil With A Kick

If you haven't already, back up and read the first five pages of this thread. Most of the important information is found there, and you'll have a better understanding of competitive inhibition. It's important to tie up the liver enzymes to allow more cannabinoids to remain unmetabolized after the pass through the liver. You'll be needing to get some apigenin and amentoflavone. This is discussed in greater detail in the BioBomb thread. Anything you don't understand I want you to come back to the current page and ask for clarification. You can't ask too many questions. Keep asking until you feel comfortable about the answers. No one here will take any attitude other than helpfulness.

Overcoming cancer is not a single shot battle, and it's highly recommended the diet be modified away from heavily processed foods, red meats, and dairy products. The reality is the closer you can get to a vegetarian mindset the best chance you offer the ECS to heal. I'd strongly recommend she be taking omega3 fish oil capsules, a minimum of 1000 IU a day. The omega-3s are the building blocks of cannabinoids, a necessary raw material for your dynamic healing force. A probiotic with at least 50 billion cultures is another tool that will accelerate healing. Disease is rooted in inflammation, and systemic inflammation is rooted in the disrupted gut flora. A good probiotic is one of the most powerful tools you can use to help establish a happier gut flora. BioBombs administered as suppositories will do the rest.

And it's suppositories I'm going to suggest as the mode of administration for your mother. This method has been particularly effective for the treatment of lung cancer.

Take heart. No one can guarantee the time we have left with our loved ones, but we can certainly do all we can to offer relief, can't we? There'll be others along with more questions and support. This can be a delicate dance, but rest assured we'll be here to listen and offer our best advice to you. A big hug to your mother for having the will to get this far. :hug::hug::hug: As a bonus I'd think the introduction of cannabinoid therapies are helping her brain overcome the stroke damage. They are amazing neuroprotector sand CBD has the ability to do a bit of brain housekeeping.

This is going to feel overwhelming and like serious data overload. We're here to help you get through the frustration that will most assuredly arise when you begin to read. We've tried hard to make it easier to digest, and we do our best to keep the atmosphere as charged with hope and joy as possible under the conditions. Ask anything, ok?

Alright then, read the first five pages of this thread, check out the BioBombs thread and start asking questions.

There's also a thread on supporting the ECS without cannabis that I recommend you read through. Supporting Your ECS Without Cannabis

One last hug for you. This is a wonderful thing you're doing. :hug::hug::hug::hug::hug:

Your English was wonderfully understandable. :battingeyelashes: :love:


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