BioBomb Breakfast Smoothie With A Kick!

SweetSue;2883024 said:
This is reposted from my grow journal. I was experimenting with recreational use of CCO using the CannaBudwig protocol. This is a 5:1 ratio carrier oil:CCO. Cajun informs me that 10:1 is a more desirable ratio for medicinal purposes.

SweetSue;2881506 said:
Life's a big science experiment.

I'm trying out a Bio Bomb adaptation of the CannaBudwig method. I started out with 1 gm of Concentrated Cannabis Oil (CCO) and 5 grams of olive oil, and combined them by sitting the custard cup into a pot of almost boiling water. They instantly began to mix together


Once that was mixed well I added 3 more Tbs of olive oil and 1 Tbs of liquid sunflower lecithin and mixed that all in.


Into the refrigerator overnight to allow the components to meld together.


In the morning I add 6 Tbs of low fat cottage cheese and attack it with an immersion blender.


Then add some fruit to make smoothies with a wicked kick. :slide:

Breakfast Smoothie With A Kick!

The Process

Thirty minutes before ingesting I had 4 oz of mango juice, one 50 mg tablet of apigenin and a tablespoon of coconut oil. This was my first time having the coconut oil, but it's been on my mind lately. There are many health benefits one gains from including coconut oil in your diet and it suddenly occurred to me the other day that this might be part of my answer to the small patches of psoriasis I have showing up and the scalp psoriasis I've been trying to heal for over a decade.

Yesterday I came across the opinion that a small, oily meal, as in something as simple as a spoonful of coconut oil (anybody else hear Cajun say "Ya think?" ) rather than a larger meal high in carbs was more beneficial for creating competitive inhibition. At that point I heard Cajun lay out his protocol, which boldly states to take a tablespoonful of coconut oil 30 minutes before you dose. OK, I think I'll try to demonstrate a little better that I do listen to and heed the advice of my mentors. Maybe actions would speak louder??

I'll be using coconut oil as a regular part of my dosing format from now on.

Look at how nicely the mix stays in suspension. That lecithin is astounding stuff. It's the lecithin that's making the biggest difference here, not only in the dispersment of particulates, but in the quick absorbtion of the medication. It hits within minutes, and hits at a run. Haha! Felt wonderful. :laughtwo: This oil turned out to be tasty, with a touch of pepper to it, just on the edge, but enough to make it interesting to the palate and to the mind. Hmmmm..... I'll have to think on that further.


I scooped out a half cup of cottage cheese.


Tossed them together and whipped it all up with the immersion blender. I'll be purchasing a better one later today, provided I can leave the apartment, and at this point, I'm not so sure I want to do that yet. Lol! I wanted a yogurt consistency, and I didn't quite get there with this cumbersome and clumsy tool. I hadn't used this thing before. It's been sitting in a drawer since I brought it home. It goes out with the next pick-up.


I ended up with a cup of the bio bomb/cottage cheese mix. A dose is 200mg so I went with a four way split and decided to make that 250mg. I'm happy with that decision right now. :laughtwo: I'm also sitting down on the floor, so the high is somewhat controlled allowing me to complete this post. :laughtwo:


I tossed it into the Kitchen Ninja with some Lemon Meringue Pie Greek yogurt, a cup of tropical fruit pieces and some frozen strawberries that've obviously been in my freezer too long, zapped it a few times and cleaned up.


Notice how everything got licked clean? I looked at this picture and licked more out of the Ninja. It was unacceptable to waste the cannabinoids that were in there. :battingeyelashes: Leave nothing behind. I was buzzed before I took my first sip. :laughtwo:


Ta Daaa!!!!



I finished it off in 10 minutes (I was answering PMs) at 11:29. Tasty and nutritious, filled with fruit, high quality proteins and psychoactive essential oils. :laughtwo: I could get used to this. I'm becoming more ethereal as I go along and you notice, I'm laughing a lot. :laughtwo:


You are an iNspiration. I have just found your 420 thread. I approach pot as medicine, I have been poisoned by pharma 40>years, my doctor/drug rep? I was on the herion train for 10> years. By your commitment to this thread I feel I might have found hope. I am reading you and I could cry!
I don't want to misrepresent what you have shared, but do you have a link/post that outlines your understanding Of the cyp450 system? I want something to share with my g.p. My dr. Is proficient, given his education/experience ect but even my dietician thinks my dr needs to visit the 21st century
I understand you are the expert on you not me, but I can't say it like you! I am a retired MBsC, and I can honestly say the advice you have presented seems more than anecdotal. I have manipulated bodily functions dietically since I was a teen working tobacco farms (I taught by migrant workers who tried to tell me to pot is a healthy part of their diets, I just thought they were baked and stupid, What a "dope" I was!).

These recipes you have are an inspirational, you're truly sweet!
Ty, again
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