
A beautiful day in WI came to a sad end and I'm sitting here worrying my head off. I transplanted almost 50 ladies this afternoon, running all over h e double L to get the necessities for the job, burlap, soil, bio cups and the like, and everything went smooth as butter or something else really smooth, well cured bud from a bong with ice water smooth. Popped the jar lids on my curing strawberry coughs and jumped on the bike and headed back to be with my girl. my 6mo old girl. We had a blast today and played every version of peek-a-boo and watched a little "your baby can read" read a few books and cooked mommy dinner. I'm not the best cook but I handle my own. Well we had an "unexpected" cold front and now I'm sweating bullets. I sent my girlfriend out to a concert hosted by some friends of mine, she works hard and I ... don't really so I thought I'd stay home with the baby and let her let her hair down so to speak. Anyways the "hardening off" I was planning may be backfiring on me as we speak as the low tonight is darn near 40... bad news to a guy who counts on his outdoor crop to get him through the winter months. SOooOOo since I have nada on the ganja for the puffin and I'm 2 days into what I truly believe will be my first and last quit of the horrible drug they call alchohol I find the anxiety overwhelming once again and it emphasizes how badly I need this medicine. crumm... I could take a Benzo of some kind but then sex is pretty much out of the question and besides that It'll just make me doped up and still anxious so whats the point. Luckily I don't think the anxiety will be an attack, at least it isn't yet and its pretty late so even though sleep is tough for me I'm closer to the morning where I can go home and quick dry a few grams of my latest harvest just to get normal again. Alright, well I'm gonna go draw some flowers or something... why not... toodles


The anxiety of the alcohol DT's can be unmanageable. There is a drug called cambprall. Works for me if Im in remision. Then again weed relaxes the same if I have any that is. Alcohol is a very bad drug and one must be carefull not to allow it to make descions for you. "Weed does not have the same affect as the DT's" from alcohol. Its much to benevolent!! Smoke on my friend.!!
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