Completely Organic Homemade Insecticide

Gfcollective;2148561 said:
Everyone gets pests, no matter how hard you try. (until i get my double door sanitized grow room :p [jk])

Was best discovered on a indoor grow that one plant got infested with spider mites. it wasnt the worst case we had seen but one plant lower leafs had webs formed so we had to act fast. with that specific garden being all organic we were not wanting to trust the "natural sprays" with 99.0% other ingredients.. so to begin

We pulled that plant from that garden instantly and separated it to its own location for ill plants. we then treated it heavily with :

5 Habanero peppers (the little orange real hot guys)
[chopped up and minced very fine, seeds, white membrane, green stem, and pepper]
1 teaspoon of Dr Bronners Peppermint soap (if not Dr Bronners, ask for recommendation and i will search for best in your area)
[you do not want to go to heavy with the soap, but this soap specifically will coat a layer of oily fat over the guys and peppermint is not favored to them as they breath through their bodys]
1 liter of pH water

the reason for the habaneras you will find while brewing this concoction together. (NOT RECOMMENDED) put your head over it and your eyes will burn will hurt to breath and the smell is suffocating. the spider mites as well as other small insects breath through their excoskeleton which the habanera is equivalent to us humans taking a acid bath, the soap added will slow them down and suffocate them as well. you will have to do this treatment at least once a day for the first 2-3 days then one every other day for a week to kill the eggs and hatch lings. This is also good for any type of pest (deer, cat, bird) that likes to eat plants, this will be one of the hottest plants they have decided to take a bite of.

now to start :

take a pan of water with 1-2 liters of water inside
*turn stove top to LOW heat
place minced pepper inside the water
*let it sit there for 20-30 minutes, do not let it get to hot as it will cook out the chemical your searching for.
poor 1 teaspoon of Dr Bronners Peppermint soap into your preferred spray bottle.
*once the pepper water has cooled down to room temp, funnel it into the spray bottle and do not poor on hands, open cuts will let you know if you did.

make sure to coat under the leafs heavily, dont be affraid to soak the plant entirely, however if you do either lift your lights for a hour away from the plants (i recommend) or wait till your lights are about to kick off (others will recommend)

after we sprayed the seperated plant down, i went back to the grow and started spraying every plant and every corner (soil, under flood mat, walls of room, tarps, under pots, everywhere) then a couple hours later i started inspecting every plant and spraying where they were found. specificly, noticing most of them were dead on contact and the others were hardly moving. so we sprayed them this time with just dr bronners peppermint water (the pepper spray will not hurt your plants as long as the light is lifted away from them.) the second day we didnt notice one mite moving but every mite we seen was dead. a day later we seen about a 1/4 of what we seen before and they were all much smaller, so we sprayed them again with the pepper/soap spray. after a week of watching them and switching between the pepper/soap spray and soap spray we had not noticed anymore mites. since we discovered this we have continued to use for the first month of veg to make sure no pests will harm the younglings, after the first month we switch to 100% pH water just to clean off any residue from the previous spray (this may sound time consuming and it is, but thats what it takes). the following 3 weeks after the first 2 months of veg we use some calcarb into the water spray.

Hope this helps anyone looking for a cheap, healthy, organic insecticide!

let me know your results and anything you decide to add to yours!
(chives, garlic, the list can go on)



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