
Kriaze;3482161 said:
Why not while we are on the subject

Making oil part 1: Items needed and decarb process.

As my son is away visiting America and my daughter is working late I thought I may as well crack on instead of thinking about it. I am not too sure if I will have time to finish the whole process today as my daughter will be home around half past midnight, if she sleeps out I will finish it tonight but otherwise I will need a night when she is away due to the smell and the fact that I need all the doors and windows open for the second part of the process.

I gathered everything together that I will need for the second part of the process the making of the oil, without it there will be no oil made so I will show what I have for that:


Bottom right I have the digital thermometer which I will use to measure temperatures when purging the alcohol from the oil, it is not a necessity but I like to play safe and I will not want to be going higher than 110F so that flavour and potency is preserved. Off to the left of that is the blunt syringe that I will hopefully be sucking up some oil with. Left of this is an optional Extra Virgin Coconut Oil which I am thinking of diluting some of the oil with, just in case it is too strong...We live in hope. Above the Coconut Oil are the rubber gloves needed when handling Isopropyl Alcohol, I cannot stress enough how dangerous this stuff is. It can kill you by being absorbed in the skin so precautions are an absolute must! Above the gloves is the ISO itself and at the side of this the coffee filters. These are used for the second strain to remove any smaller particles of plant matter. To the right of this we have the Fire Extinguisher, I would not recommend doing this process without one, although safety precautions are preferable. In the centre we have the Bowl and strainer which will be used for the first strain, this will be to clear the bulk of the plant matter first before adding the coffee filters. To the right of this we have the Pyrex dish in which I will be evaporating the alcohol from the oil after it's final sieve.

So all this is for the second part of the process, on to the first part of the process.

To activate the THC I will be decarbing my ground weed in the oven set to around 100C (220F) for 50 minutes, this is an essential part of the process as it breaks down the non psychoactive compound THC-A into the psychoactive THC much like a vaporiser does but not at such a high heat so that it is released as vapour.

I got to grinding before I remembered to take some photographs for the write up, I need a journal or something to remind me of these things:


My grinder was getting way too sticky even on short bursts so I've no idea how many trichomes I lost in the process but the stickiness is a concern. I will rinse it with a bit of ISO and throw it in the mix, it's all metal inside so there should be no harm done. In the future though it may be best to take my time and break the bud up manually and slower, lesson learned.

Ground up bud:


This is where my wimp mode kicked in, did I really want to risk all this smoke on oil instead. A quick wrestle with my emotions and on the trays it went:


Into the oven, timer set and no regret.

The smell is intense while this is in the oven so you may want to choose a quiet time to do it, the bonus is that if you keep all the doors and windows closed and stick your head in that oven after 25 minutes to 'give it all a good shake' the sun starts shining whatever time it is.

50 minutes later not as much browning as the first time I did this but nice and dry:


All jarred up ready to have ISO poured inside.


Is it me or has that fluffed up a touch? Reminds me of the Moroccan Slate that always appeared years ago when there was no 'real' weed about, the smell is nice and deep though and I might be a little high although that could be the joints.

It is just a matter of waiting until a reasonable hour to start the second part of the process now, until then may your buds be forever bountiful.​


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