First Time, Indoors with natural sun, on a budget.

psifos;2548951 said:
Here is the journal for my first time grow - one from bag seed and on a budget.

1.5 Gallon Ceramic Pot, replanted into borrowed 5 gallon pot after 4 weeks of veg.
During first few weeks of veg, used two CFL lamps for solid 18/6 after sunset. All natural sun now ~15 hours of light, 10 direct sun hours.
2 $7 bags of moisture control Miracle Grow potting mix
All purpose miracle grow fertilizer
1 Package of plant food spikes
Strain - Alien OG (bag seed)

Total Cost - $35

Fortunately for me, I have a couple things in my favor to help minimize the cost, and maximize the yield. I live in a high rise with floor to ceiling and windows that can be opened in the east AND west, so I didn't need to invest in any lighting equipment as it gets PLENTY of pure, unfiltered light. There's also a roof that sees no action, so during the first few weeks of veg I took it up there during the noon hours. Also, I took two CFL bulbs (1600 lumens total) from my bathroom, put them into desk lamps to give it 18 hours of light.

I have one tiny humidifier, so during the afternoon hours when it is HOT (been in the 80s to high 90s during veg) I just put it in the pot, increasing the local humidity.

So here it goes, started with a seed, put it into some basic Miracle Grow soil into a 1.5 gallon pot I had laying around. As you can see below, I waited a bit too long to transplant.


But, after bathing in some east sun for a few days while I went camping, it started growing big healthy leaves.


As you can see, I used just a paperclip to hold up the plant. Not thinking, the metal actually burnt the plant where it was holding it. But, I think it actually has helped it now that it is older, as the bottom of the stem looks like a tree trunk - recovering from the damage. 10 days from seed at this point


Further, my stoner cat decided to eat the leaves off of one side. But, the plant kept growing like a champ.


I used a pen and a zip tie (ended up damaging the pholem, but again strengthened the stalk) to hold it while on the roof, there's usually pretty good winds that would have likely toppled her.


Gave her a trim of some of the under leaves that weren't growing into stalks, and some of the big fan leaves that was shading the whole plant - it grew tremendously in response.

3 weeks from seed


Here's some close-ups of the pre-flowers. AS I only have one shot, I'm obviously anxious to find out her sex! While I know this isn't definitive, a vast majority of her stipules are crossed as you can see, lending me to think she's a girl.



1 week later....


Another trim, I really want the bottom stalks to grow out, and then up after it's out of the shade.


This thing was getting huge!!! And seeing the success I've had, I decided to maximize its yield potential and replanted it into a 5 gallon pot. As you can see, it was incredibly root bound, swallowing the volcanic rocks I had below the soil for drain.



Those are just barbecue skewers - forcing the stalks to grow radially from the stem, maximizing its sun exposure. I get amazing sunsets, and she looks great in silhouette.


2 days after transplant - wow!


To today's trim, the big fan leaves at the top were limiting the growth of the colas at the same nodes, so I removed 4 of them.



And, a pre-flower on on of the branches. I say it's looking like a girl!


Thanks for reading, and I'll be sure to keep it updated, especially as we move into the flower stage. Its in 5th week of veg from seed, I'm going to wait until July 15 or so and see how big she is, maybe flipping to 12/12 then or waiting a few more weeks. Gotta keep this thing to 4 feet tall, 5 feet wide or so at the most.

:Namaste: Happy Growing!:cheer:


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