First time post - Micro LED grow week 8 flower results

I have browsed a few of these sites for years in the search for information to help with my grows, and everything i find usually helps one way or another. I have successfully finished many grows over the past, yet I have never really thought about sharing anything on here before, i think its mainly security reasons, and the fact i cant really be bothered most of the time. I have noticed when i am browsing that i rarely see quality plants being grown; i may have been in the wrong sections idk. Plus the amount of people asking the same questions, but rarely getting a straight answer. I want to start sharing my experiences with fellow growers and people that just enjoy reading up on growing. The Marijuana plant is such an amazing thing with so much potential, and with how things are changing i strongly believe it will become a massive part of the future, people need to become educated now.

I am coming to the end of this experimental grow and i thought i would share the results so far as they are truly looking beautiful, however i feel the pictures do not give them the justice they deserve. I will be starting a new grow soon - 16 plants/16 different strains - and plan on posting a grow journal with daily updates. I don't claim to be an expert, but its good to pass on knowledge to others - you can never learn too much.
I am going to finish this off with some pictures of the girls so far, and will probably post the final results in the near future - before and after cut.

Its now day 1 of week 8, temperatures and humidity have been kept perfect the entire time, i think its easier to do this time of the year. They are currently resting at a steady 75f with 40RH, this is right where i want them to be. I do like to drop the temperatures at night along with cold feeds in the day to help bring the natural purple out of both strains. I am dropping on the nutes gradually in preparation for the flush. The two strains i will be sharing today are Purple OG Kush and Black Cream - both auto strains. They are both under a 90w LED, i believe the 7 spectrum version. I have also added a cfl for the last 2 weeks to assist with trichome developent.

The OG's leaves are turning a very nice purple color, with hints of orange and yellow in other places. The buds themselves are very frosty and very dense. Now the OG is a hybrid, but I would say it has a more dominant haze smell to it. Its hard to explain, the scents are so complex. There is a very sweet, can i say musky? smell at first; but then there is almost like a sweet solvent kind of smell afterwards, very subtle, almost a petrol smell. This plants highest point is maybe 7/8 inchs high from the soil. As you can see from the pictures, there are 3 main colas, each containing what i'm guessing to be a 3 - 4 gram nug with the usual miniature popcorn's underneath. In the center of the plant should be the main cola, however i didnt know this particular OG was an auto at the time, so i ended up topping the plant at a bad time which resulted in very little growth in the middle. Although i cant really complain as it allowed the side branches to thrive and develop some heavy buds.
Here are some pics of the Purple OG:


Now for the second plant, this again is another Indica dominant strain. Its looks very nice, very dark purple buds, yet with very dark green leaves too. Now from previous grows i know the leaves should have started to fade to their natural purple color by now. The Nitrogen content has been kept to an absolute minimum this run so i know its not over feeding, i am hoping they will fade out more during the flush. But because i am growing organically, the flush is only around 3-5 days for me, maybe not enough time to leach the leaves but either way this is not a problem, the plant is very healthy, very frosty and has a strange sweet smell that i can not put my finger on. Don't get me wrong, it is nice, its just very hard for me to describe. This one is actually ready to come down. I do not have any trichome pictures to hand, but the last time i looked through a scope they were maybe 10% amber. This is a very fast strain to grow and could easily be cut at 7 weeks, but i am going to leave it to finish longer and take it down at the same time as the OG so that the amber ratio is greater. The Black Cream stands maybe 5 inchs above the soil, a single cola with a very solid surface. I don't know why this happened, it was not my intention to keep it THAT small, yield has been lost, but its not a problem to me this time. No side branches developed on this, and it wasn't even a matter of they were there and just weren't getting enough light to grow, it was literally just one main branch, not something ive seen with this strain before. Although its fine, its unique, not something ive seen online before. I would guess there will be maybe 5-6 gram off the plant. Its very short - 5inchs - but it is wide and dense

Here are some pics of the Black Cream:

Over all i am happy with how this run has turned out. I will be feeding them one more time in a couple of days and and then will begin the flush. I tend to flush for no more than 5 days, but it depends on a couple of things. Following that will be a slow dry with a good long cure. I will post pictures of the end result, but that will be a few weeks yet. Pictures before and after harvest will come a lot sooner though. I know some people will be thinking why all this effort for such little yield? But this run has been more about quality rather than quantity and to see if i could create a miniature version of a standard sized plant. But to be honest, i just love to grow, im not even massively fused about smoking it at the end, ill have a taster definitely, but for me its about helping the plant through its process and creating a beautiful final product to look at, even if its only for a day before its harvested and enjoyed by my friends.

Thanks for reading!



Wow, impressive. I am new to the site and forum. I was wondering with your experience if it's tricky to grow in places that year round are hot/ humid essentially tropical weather? I am new to this country and brought along some seeds because I didn't want to risk getting in trouble approaching the wrong person "not knowing people here". I am a social or what they may refer to as a recreation user. I am selective and managed to get around 8 good seeds before my departure. I have held on to them a whole year because I know nothing about growing, further the weather here can also start a down poor at any given moment. Take beautiful Portland and add Miami and that is what I live in but of course out of the country. No matter what it is humid but also at times really wet. I have pondered indoor growing as I think that is probably best and warm enough, however I still haven't figured out if there will be enough light or if I can take my pots outside during the day to soak it all up then drag them in at night. Its really got me on the fence and lastly how many seeds do you plant at once, is it one seed every 3 inches or more than one? I am really at a loss at this point but a year without a occasional check out is to long.. Any advice or assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Kind Regards,

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Hi there and Welcome. Thanks for the question, i will do my best to answer everything. As far as hot/humid conditions go, Sativa dominant strains tend to thrive best in those climates. However marijuana is a very resistant and adaptive plant and can grow in almost any conditions. So regarding whether or not to grow outside, that would depend on whether it is legal to grow in your country or not, or if you have any security issues i.e Theft or even vandalism for example.
There are benefits and downfalls to both, indoor and out, so you will need to give me a few more details. Growing indoors would be my suggestion, this gives you more control over your climate/plants, which may be the best option for someone like you living where you do. Of course growing indoors gives you the added security of only you knowing that you have a crop growing, and anyone else you decide to tell; this could be the best options if your laws prevent you from growing. However if laws allow, growing outside means you are not limited to space or size of the plants.
As far as spacing goes, indoor can vary, but generally its 1 plant per square foot. So in a 4x4 tent you can expect to grow 4 good sized plants. Now outdoors is a different story, as long as they have some spacing between them, it shouldn't matter too much. But you do need to allow for growth, so it all really depends on how far you plan on taking the growth; bigger plants will need larger spacing.
I hope this answers what you need, hit me back with specifics if you need anything else.

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