GreenBuds & Hash - Organic Coco - Pineapple Express - Kushage & Heavy Duty Fruity

Michiganic;2711855 said:
whats up fellow growers & everyone at:420: :welcome: and welcome to our first grow journal!
Were Just as excited as ever to wecome yall into our first Organic grow, so come on in!ALL feedback is greatly appreciated
all four plants were started from feminized seed, two of which were Pineapple Express from G13 Labs, which is an indica dominant hybrid as well as are the Kushage and the Heavy Duty Fruity that were growing from T H SEEDS, which are both a little under a week younger than the two pineapple express plants... more days.

Were growing in 5 Gal fabric root pouches filled with 8/1 mix of Roots Organics "Roots Origional" which is a coco-perlite mix that also has some beneficial nutrients and other things such as yucca extract and aloe, And throw about two inches of the new Growstone GS3 mix, on the top and bottom of our pots, which is a coco-Growstone mix that adds "MYKOS" from "extreme Gardening" which is just beneficial bacteria that is really good for your roots.

Were currently Vegging under two 2' x 4 bulb t5s with a grow cfl in the middle jus for extra light

We will Bloom one plant at a time in the 4x4 space under a SCROG net using 600w digital/dimmable ballast with a brand new 600w Hortilux HPS bulb.

At this time all that we need for temp comtroll is a little 6" "hurricane" clip fan but soom i will be grabbong an oscilating wall-mount fan and also hooking up a small in-line fan to my carbon filter and shooting the air outside but that is just a thought at this moment... mater of fact, that reminds me... I SHOULD get everything im going to need for that project ASAP because im going to start the first plant in bloom in about a month.... ITS THAT TIME GUYS!!

the temp stays between 70-80, the co2 makes it a little warmer but its nothing that jus opening the closwet door for 5-10 minutes doesnt fix atm...

the PH of my growing medium is around 7.7 and although thats a little high for my liking while using coco... the girls do not seem to mind whatsoever!

i use ph 5.8-6.3 water and nutrient solution when feeding my plants, just the other day i went to feed, took my Hanna PH meter out (without caliburating it first) Phd' my food to about 5.9 and fed them, onlt for them to be completely scorched the next day!! im talking yellowing/ white edges, burnt spots, and nasty looking new growth, so i did a little trouble shooting, and quickly found that my ph meter was reading 8.1 in my 7.01 solution... WHOA lol... time to re caliburate and slightly flush my babies with water phd the RIGHT WAY to 6.2... literally about 4 hours later, you could tell that my girls were WAYYY HAPPIER!! all standing straight up at attention!!! it is now more than 24 hrs later and tho there is still some scorched tips, the plants looks completely recovered! Thank God! lol rookie mistake!

As far as pests go... i had as many fungus gnats as comes in any bag of roots origional i have ever bought... nothing a little overgrow cant fix!

To feed these girls im using dechlorinated tap water with a ppm of about 250 and PH of about 7.5, which is actually decent compaired to some tap ive seen... i am feeding these girls the entire "ROOTS ORGANICS" line by Aurora, I am also using their Dry amendments "roots Uprising" as much as the schedule calls for it, i also have a few more odds and ends that arent made by Aurora but all of which are 100% organic such as "superthrive" and "organic molasses" and kelp and fish made by "Organically Done" Here in Michigan...Worm castings and alaskin HUMUS are also essintials in my home made teas... I never EVER give full strength feeds, half strength or LESS!! I also do at least one Organic Tea per month or so, brewing in a 5 gallon bucket with 2 med. sized airstones for 36-48 hours or untill the foamy head is just uncontrollable.

BUCKET SIZE - 5 gal root pouch
NUTRIENTS - roots organics Buddah Grow & Buddah Bloom, plus all micro nutrients and additives
LIGHTS - 2 T5 fixtures with a cfl in the middle for extra light
MEDIUM - Coco/growstone/perlite mix 8 parts Roots Origional to 1 part Gs3 mix
STRAINS - Pineapple Express by G13 Labs, Kushage by THSeeds, Heavy Duty Fruity by THSeeds
#of Plants - 4

OKAY!!! hopefully that is a good start, pictures and MORE updates coming very soon!!!



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