Grow Journal - Black Widow - Chronic - AK47-Xtrm



My name is Aedifex. I'm in my 30's, have several kids (one in the way - little girl :) ). I'm an engineer/inventor in life, not just by trade. I am also very active; hunt, fish, hike, rock climb, kayak, run, MMA, yoga, etc. I like to be active. I also swear frequently. Fuck. It allows me to fully express myself :)

I do not use recreational MJ and haven't since I was in my early 20's - my nickname was "Chief One Hit"; you can probably guess why, and I ntil recently, which I'll get to momentarily, I didn't use it medicinally.

It all started with my 86 year old Grandmother; dementia. Key points: She became aggressive and combative; not sleeping; weight loss; doctor prescribing powerful meds with aweful side effects; I'm creative and open minded.

After the aggression started (she swung at a family friend trying to help her (family friend is a retired nurse)) and the doctor prescribing even stronger meds I said "fuck this bullshit. Let's try low doses of cannibis, in edible form, and see how I works."

Several mind-sets: It should calm her down; It should improve sleep (compound affect that should improve everything else); It should relax her mind to reduce the effects of dementia; it will increase her calorie intake. ALL. GOOD. THINGS!

I love my Mammy. In her time she was an incredible woman. So, even though at the time it was illegal, I felt it was the best option for her. So fuck the system: it's alright to prescribe narcotic grade "medication" but it's not ok to use holistic remedies used for hundreds to thousands of years?! Yup; fuck the system. I'm going to do whatever I need to de to ensure her remaining years are lived in comfort and allow her to go with her pride in tact, and happy (dementia does terrible things to people).

Ok, I have zero fucking clues how to do this shit... Google to the rescue! I'm making butter - innocuous, easy to make, high calorie, easy to dose.

Double boiler (pot of water, small Pyrex dish top, large mason jar), plastic/silicon spatula - the baking type not pancake flipping type, coffee grinder, strainer, stove, MJ and unsalted butter - 2 sticks / 1/4 oz bud.

Med grade bud. No decarboxylation. Ground in coffee grinder.

Large pot water. Pyrex lid inside. Mason jar on lid. Butter in jar.

Meat slightly above medium.

Once butter is melted (stir to increase melt rate). Add the grindings - I started with 1/4 oz in case I fucked it up.

1 hour steep with water at a slight bubble (temperature of butter 190'F).

Strain and press remaining butter from grindings.

Bottle. Let cool uncovered. Refrigerate.

Now what to make with the butter... ... ... CHOCOLATE! Mammy loves chocolate :)

Shit... I have NO fucking clue. Let me think back... ... ... alright, 1 joint was usually good for 4 people. 2 joints in a nickel bag (yeah, fucking old school), i.e., 1.4 grams total at 0.175g/person. So 1/4 oz in 8 Fl. Oz. Butter comes out to 0.146 g/tsp. Considering you don't get the same effect from edibles AND there is some "lost in translation" effect, 0.146 grams should fuck her up (not as strong as smoking)... but this is where testing comes in.

I made three chocolates: 1 tablespoon each in volume. 1 tsp butter. 2 tsp chocolate. Three because the test subject would eat 1/hour until they achieved the correct level of effect and that would be the baseline for dosing.

Like I said, I haven't used this shit in years and didn't really care too. I called my brother "Me: Bro, I need you to test this shit." "Bro: Umm... Absofuckingloutely!" (He also swears excessively/frequently. Go figure) My brother loves his fucking pot. Honestly, I'm the only one in my family that doesn't... Black sheep???

Did I mention I was impatient? Oh, and since my brother is a habitual user, I questioned his ability to objectively test and not just be like (didn't do anything, just give me the bottle and a spoon - he has a propensity for getting as fucked up as possible - no judgement).

So I called a friend that also makes butter: "Yeah, I'll try it."

He was too busy though. Did I mention I was impatient? I get this sort of hyper focus when working on projects. I HAVE to know the results ASAP so I can begin helping Mammy.

"OK, You fuckers are too slow AND i question you're ability to objectively test the chocolates. I do t use it so I'm the "closest to Mammy" test subject; recreational use of medicien stuff wise.

Test 1:
1 chocolate, down the hatch. Start your timers.

Fuck, we had plans... ... ... dinner and a movie. Ok, not so bad. The wife is driving :) "I just ate a chocolate. You're driving :)"

Sitting at the movie, new previews are showing.

Me: introspection begins: "Am I high... ... ...?" ::thinks back 10 years:: "fuck, I am."

"Ok, how high am I?"

"Body relaxed but still fully functional. Mind relaxed... no giggly feeling, higher brain function/reasoning unaltered. Overall euphoric feeling while still maintaining composure."


Ok, 1 tsp per serving.

And so it begins.....

Within 3 days of 1 chocolate/day, Mammy was back to her old self (no pun): laughing at tv shows, having conversations, SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT!!!

It was night and day. AND, arguably the best part, NO MORE DOCTOR PRESCRIBED NARCOTICS!

One problem, my mother also loves to eat the chocolates... "Mom, WTF?!. Go smoke your fucking pipe and leave the chocolates for Mammy!"

Mom: "But they're really good!"

Annoying as fuck, but I did actually expect it from the beginning.

Going to gloss over a few details:

Made the other 1/4 differently. Removed from heat after steep. Let cool 24 hours. Reheated. Strained. Pressed. Way fucking stronger! Sweet! More medicine!

All that was gone then I got more MJ from dad (gift from friend). Mostly clippings. I doubled my MJ to butter ratio. Worked great but HEAVY couchlock/sedative strain. No good for daytime use.

New strain - high energy strain! Tested at 7:30 pm and was still going strong at midnight! Wtf?! I had to work the next day!

New strain (this is all free shit from a friends grower. All trim. They have no fucking clue what they grow either; Indica; saliva; hybrid... they buy seeds by average rating on the dispensaries website.

In the meantime, Mammy is getting worse again. The first meds are long gone and the latter strains aren't right for her. Oh, and she stopped wanting to eat - even chocolate or brownies.

Right about now recreational MJ was legalized...!

Im a problem solver. I can't afford to buy med. grade shit with my fucking Mom eating everything... sooo... GROW IT!!!

And, well, here we are.........

Grow number 1:

Black Widow, Chronic, AK47-Xtrm, Alien OG

Humidifier fed fog boxes (I actually created this setup before I realized it is already being done; fogoponics) I actually ended up buying House Of Hydro, single disc foggers.
- 3x1.5 plastic totes
- 6" hydro baskets
- 4x4x7 tent
- pH pen and up/down kit
- 2-300watt LED grow lights (5 watt)
- 4- 80 watt t27 led grow lights (5 watt) these are in the corners to illuminate side and undergrowth. They emit little to no heat.
- exhaust fan with speed control and carbon filter
- 2 wind fans
- light hangers
- humidifier
- Digital hygrothermometer
- basic, 3 series hydro nutes (micro, veg, flower)
- light timer

Plan: germ 6 seeds (2 each) grow the 4 strongest. 2 per fog box, 18" apart. Manifold and mainline. Grow to 1.5feet then switch to flower. Minimal, if any, defoliation; this is why I mounted the corner lights. All nodes (within reason) will be allowed to grow. I'll prune two weeks into flower and clone trimmings.

I expect 1 lb minimum from all plants combined.

Yes, I realize this may seem like a fairly ridiculous goal considering it's my first grow, but I have confidence, intelligence, (and about 80 hours of research on my side... ... ... so let's fucking do this.


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