How to Dose Correctly Using Rick Simpson Concentrated Cannabis Oil...

Motoco 1982;1891224 said:
Take a dab (about the size of a 1/2 grain of rice) and put it on one of your index fingers. Place your index finger between your gum and cheek and hold there pressing firmly without moving for about 8-10 seconds (on your gum)...then slightly moving your finger (circular or side to side) rub until you feel it grab to your gum. Pull out your finger and take a look to see where the rest of the concentrate has moved. Apply another amount that is on your finger right next to the spot you just did and repeat the procedure. Then you can take the rest, put it on your tongue, scrap it on the back of your teeth until you don't see any more oil (there will be a sticky film on your finger, I heat it up slightly using a hair dryer and apply to a mole, zit, scare, etc.).
How the concentrate oil works when using this application to the gum first. By the concentrated cannabis oil going directly to your receptors in the brain controls whatever has been digested to the lower receptors and done properly there is absolutely no euphoric. This procedure of dosing CONTROLS & REGULATES just like a PC CPU works sending info where it needs to be (meds where it needs to be).

Amount of dosage for PM maintenance is a grain of rice per day. Personally I use a 1/2 grain of rice of Sativa for the day time (my preferred blend is Harlequin chocked full of CBDs & Blue Dream 50/50) and in the late evening I use a 1/2 grain of rice of Indica/OG staying away from any mix of Sativa about an hour before bed. BTW you will sleep like a baby (best sleep I've ever had).

Amount of dosage for anything that has a mutating cells of nasties (cancer as an example..all but bone cancer from what I understand). On Rick Simpson blog (Phoenixtears) he mentions a 82 yr. old man dosing 2 grams of concentrated cannabis oil and go about his business normally! Anyone in the know, 2 grams of oil a day would put an elephant down. He certainly didn't consume it all at one time. Its impossible to put that much on the gums and digest all at once. Its done by dosing every couple of hours. Tack on your gum in several places with the above mentioned method, then swallow the rest. In this case (2 grams) about 1/4 gram per dose 8 times a day. Remember that 60 grams of concentrated cannabis oil is about whats needed for the cure of cancer. Rick Simpson suggest a gram a day for 60 days with a PM of a grain of rice for 30 days, however, he mentioned the faster you can dose the 60 grams the faster the cure. Personally I would opt for the 60 days (the dose would be a 2/10 of a gram 5 times a day). This is a GUIDELINE as everyone tolerance levels are different & medications play a HUGE role also...especially blood pressure meds. The cannabis concentrated oil regulates blood pressure (tacking 1st of course, if swallowed without putting on your gums first will make your blood pressure to LOW and have adverse affects such as passing out) and I found out the blood pressure med is not needed as well as others who have used the concentrated cannabis oil.

Like most meds start off small and work your way up learning to dose correctly until you have reached your comfort zone. Again, taken properly you can drive, work, do anything that you normally would do with no euphoric high.

Cannabis concentrated oil is the BEST med in the world...and I mean anything that I've came across it fixes or stabilizes. Diabetes, blood pressure, colds, flu, anti inflammatory, disinfectant, pain (works so well morphine or oxycontin is like a aspirin) , cuts, burns, acme, migraines, kills mutating cells and much much more. Sativa concentrated oil curbs appetite, Indica enhances appetite. Sativa works on depression, keeps you alert with bounds of energy. On the other hand Indica is great for inducing sleep...and sleep is a GREAT healer in its own right. For people suffering from Parkinsons Indica is the only strain my friend uses as sativa makes his tremors worst while indica helps calm them.

Side affects of cannabis concentrated oil:
If using Sativa you must stay hydrated and eat regardless if you feel like it or not. I had one bad day (thought the oil wasn't working) due to not hydrating and eating regular, btw I hydrated and ate properly the next day and was right back to feeling great again. Your portions will easily cut in half in a couple of weeks or so and it is important to snack in between meals (fruit, smoothies, etc.) If using indica only eating won't be a problem but use caution not to overeat. The concentrated oil is truly a miracle drug, that being said, like everything in life it doesn't do EVERYTHING for you. You have to learn to live a healthier life and combined with cannabis concentrated oil it can be easily achieved. Funny how this oil get addicted on how well you HEALTH is and with little effort you can easily get rid of bad habits. One last side affect...the taste, which can vary quite a bit on how your concentrate is made. The more chlorophyll and sugars you pull out while washing your bud the worst the taste. THC, CBD, etc. are naturally bitter in taste. After dosing just eat a cookie, etc and the taste goes away. Side affects I can live with EASILY !

Hope this helps out anyone who is taking the oil for meds, want their life back without the euphoric high. In fact, taking the cannabis concentrated oil properly and achieving good health is better than any high you ever imagined. I've been smoking MJ right around 50 yrs so I don't make this statement lightly.

Any questions or perhaps something I did not cover, please ask. TY

Peace, Happiness & Pancakes

motooil :peace:


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