It's been... WAAAY too long! (since I last blogged)

High there. :bong:

Wow, I haven't blogged in ages. ...So, hm, what's new in a nutshell... I'm living back at home with my parents right now after having broken up with my photographer for I've taken the semester off this season basically to relax. I'm about half way to my bachelor's degree, but I've decided to go to tech school for nine months before completing my BA. I want to have a foothold on a career while I finish my university studies, which, I hope go on for a very long time because I'd like to obtain a Ph.D. At tech school, I'd like to get certified as either a phlebotomist or a medical technician. I think I'll be starting this fall, probably at a place like Heald or Western Career College. I'm super excited and MAJORLY grateful to my parents for helping me pay for all of this - tuition, books, fees, etc.

As for any recent news, I purchased a new bong and a new pipe and I also want to show a picture of the vapor pipe that Rob sent me as well. It's a Vapor Genie! Best vapor pipe in existence! At least, in my opinion. I wouldn't even trade mine for a volcano, lol.

So here are some pics, with the vapor pipe coming in first (named Vapor Genie of course!), my sherlock coming in next (named Lavender), my new frosted pink glass, 1.5 tall PURP bong (named Serendipity), and a pic of Serendipity's bowl.

The Vapor Genie


Serendipity's Bowl


Sorry the quality of the pics isn't that great. I took them with my new Blackberry Curve... New of course since my old phone was stolen.

So yep. I'm a single lady now, too. I dated an incredibly wonderful 37 yr old for the last month and was just madly in love, and then a few days ago he just walked out on me... Started ignoring me and giving me the cold shoulder. I don't know why, but it's been a little painful, emotionally. I can do better though... I mean, the guy lived on a couch. Lol.

Now that I have a Vapor Genie again, I can smoke in my room here at my parents' house and they can't smell anything. :grinjoint: I'm really stoked about that. ...My dad has actually become so interested in vaporization that he wants to do a vape bowl with me! (He's a fundamental Christian and doesn't drink or smoke anything)! I've smoked with him once before, and I used to leave joints in his wallet, lol, that would just kind of stay under wraps... You know...

I've started using HempWick for all my smoking these days. It's a roll of waxed hemp cord that burns really slowly, like a candle. You light it with a butane lighter and then use it to light your bowl. The point is to enhance the flavor of the weed with hemp, and more importantly, to eradicate inhaling butane, which is really harmful to the body and carcinogenic. I'm a really all-natural girl, so I was stoked when I found this stuff. You can see it in the pic I posted up above of my Vapor Genie sitting in its case with it. If anyone is interested in checking out going au natural as a stoner, I HIGHLY recommend it. I get no tar, no smoke, no butane and the vapor pipe gets me high as a kite with just the teeny tiniest piece of bud.

So yeah, I guess that's about it in terms of an update from me, the one and original Janie Sativa, official 420 Girl of and the book Naked Girls Smoking Weed The Best Of 420 Girls by Robert Griffin ...BUY IT BUY IT BUY IT!

Much love and feel free to private message me and/or add me as a friend. I love meeting new people here on the best website in existence.

Happy toking, :roorrip:

--Janie Sativa

P.S. I will be blogging regularly again, so check back every couple of days if you want to keep up, are a fan of me or whatever, lol, ::blush:: I think it may be possible to subscribe to my blog, but I'm not sure. Click around and find out.

P.P.S.Read more about me as a 420 Girl here.


Glad that you are back around Janie. While I havent seen your photos I am sure after reading your posts that you are the most beautiful woman in the world.:thanks: for all you have done to help 420Mag and Our Mission. I live on the East Coast and would love to live in Cali Maybe someday but we do have MMJ here in RI and i am smoking some Hash and Sour Diesel right now. Thanks for the info on hempwick I will definitely get some of that.
Anyway wanted to say hello and thats too bad abiout your man he is a fool. Who knows in todays world it may be he no longer likes women because you sure are sweet as Ice Cream. Have a virtual toke my friend:48:
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