Mariamlu's guidelines for alkaline water.

Mariamlu;3204770 said:
As a follow-up to a post on proper breathing technique as a healing modality for cancer. I did some formatting on it before posting here, but the post is all her original wording.

Thank you Sue for this post.

Proper breathing gives you oxygen, while cancer needs anaerobic environment.

Lymphatic system does not have a pump as blood does. The muscles acting make lymph to move to remove poisons. So exercise.

Drink alkaline mineralised water every day, about 2 liters. I started with it 1,5 months ago.

I shall put details of it in my own thread, not to make a long post about different subject in here.

Mariamlu;3204800 said:
Sue, you read it so quickly ... I put the rest of it back then here.

Every morning I fill a carafe (1,7 L) with tap water. I add 0,5 tbs of Himalajan salt (the pink salt with minerals) and 0,5 tbs of soda powder (Na2CO3). I tested pH, it is about nine. I drink ca 2 liters within the day. If your water is chlorinated, just use carbon filter to remove chloramines. (Cl and soda together taste bad too).

No need to use ion exchange cartridges. Check your water analize before you remove everything with reverse osmosis. I have good bore well water, no need for reverse osmosis. Bottle water in my mind is not so good as alive water, if it is available. If not, then use just good water you can get.

Our body is 80% water. Salinity of the body liquids between cells is 0,9%. We need minerals and lots of water with them. Our body is energetic system and needs solvent, it needs water and minerals, mineralised water.

Buy pink salt and soda and try it. Amazing, how much better I feel while I am on this water. I have generated addiction for this water. I love the taste of it! Sometimes I add some lemon juice.

Today first time I added green chlorella powder. Terrible taste:) Very healthy, I keep it as one cup per day, the rest on my alkaline water I drink without chlorella.

Keep alkaline water away from food in your stomach. Just do not drink after the meal for some time. If it was light meal with veggies, then 1 hour. If proteins, keep longer. If you eat meat, probably 2 hours? I do not eat meat or milk products. First I had some "bubble up" effect but I cured it with probiotic food supplements. Apparently I had yeast in my guts, which caused it.

I was advised to do so by a doctor, who wrote a book about human bodies energy crisis. She is persecuted by medical community for it now. Her book is among top sellers in our country, people love her and her lectures are all crowded with people.

So Energy crisis is caused by acidification of the body. Most illnesses are a result of long term energy crises in our body.
She also dared to believe in DMSO. Which word is better not to mention in our country at moment.

Also I increased D3 daily amount from nonexistance to 10-15000 units per day. I was just physically very weak before I started D3 properly. Vitamine B12 I never stopped, being vegan I need it.


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