My First Grow Trainwreck Big Bud Lemon Shunk

JamesTheGreen;1548037 said:
Auntie, You could never,ever, over stay Yourself on My site, PERIOD. As a matter of fact, You are welcome to Couch Surf at My site anytime, the Couch is always open for you to stay, and with Fresh Bed Linens as well!!!:love: I do not know about Stem Seeds, I tried to Smoke, when I was 15-16, and was Dry(NO HERB) and all I did was cough and hack, and Hack and Cough, No Buzz whatsoever, a good Headache though. I have tried to Make Tea from Stems as well,good taste, No Buzz. But keep into consideration, this was with Herb I got WAY BACK in HIGH SCHOOL!!! The stems now a days tend to have, if they are quality, Resin already on them, so who knows. But I will say this, THC is not water soluable(IT WILL NOT BOND WITH THE WATER,THERBY IT WILL NOT TRANSFER IT'S SELF TO SOMETHING YOUR BODY CAN METABOILIZE) That is why People(SOME PEOPLE) soak their Trimmings in Alcohol for a couple of weeks. I take a 5 gallon CLEAN Paint Container, and stuff it to about 3 inches from the lip, add a few half Gallons of Fair Brandy(I USE E&J OR CHRISTIAN BROTHERS) usually 2-3 half gallons, depending on how strong I want it. Push the Trimmings down into the alcohol mixture, everything must get wet, and as the mixture sits, the weed breaks down even more, till it is under the Brandy. Get a wet Terry Cloth Towel to cover the container with, place the container in a Dark Cool Place. Go back every 24hrs or so, Re-wet the Towel, let the Brandy and Weed mixture Breath for about 5-10-15 Minutes. Place the Re-Wetted Towel back on the container, and repeat the process every day for 2 weeks. I use this concoction to make my Canna-Butter, not to drink. The THC bonds to the alcohol, after 2 weeks I use cheese cloth(OLD COTTON SHIRTS WORK WELL TO), and strain off the alcohol from the weed detritus, and toss out the detritus. I place the WEED-BRANDY back in it's Bottles, or Mason Jars. And pull it out when I want to make Canna-Butter. I usually use as much of the WEED-BRANDY I want, within reason,because a lot depends on how much Butter You are using(NEVER USE MARGARINE!!!), I generally use a half to a Pound of Butter, let it melt in a Saucepan on extra low, then add the amount of Brandy-Weed mixture after it has melted, how much is up to You, the more you add, the stronger the CANNA-BUTTER turns out. And let it simmer on extra low for several Hours, sometimes 4-10 hours depending on how much of the Brandy you add to it. Let it simmer until all of the alcohol has evaporated off, and there You have it, great Canna-Butter, that You can control the strength of, plus no stems,leaf and other detritus to mess with since You already removed it during the Brandy making process!!! You Butter, depending on how strong You made it, should be any wheres from light green, to an almost Dark Olive Drab Green(THE KIND I PREFER). This works because as the alcohol evaporates, the THC is released and rebonds with the Fats in the Butter. Be careful while making, if you use a Gas stove, that is why you want the flame on as low as you can get it, because the alcohol really gets fumey, and you do not want those fumes getting to the flame, and causing a Fire!!! This is no problem, as long as you keep the gas on as low as possible!!! After awhile(A FEW HOURS) You do not have to worry about this as much, because a lot of the alcohol Fumes have already dissipated, but do not turn it up, because the Butter will scorch. You can tell by time and mostly smell when the alcohol has dissipated. I use a clear(GLASS) cover when I am making it, so you can tell when there is no more alcohol left. Since the Brandy is not 100% alcohol, it is good to let the other liquids in it to evaporate as well(PURER PRODUCT). When it is finished, remove from stove and let cool. Your Butter will now be infused with all the THC that had bonded to the alcohol. I like to add Hash or Kief to my butter as well, if You want to do this,keep the Butter warm and add the Hash or Kief to Your Butter, reheat, and if it is hash, mash it up till it comes completely apart in the butter, and mix it in completely, till it is all broken up and evenly mixed in. If you use Kief same process, except no mashing, just make sure it is evenly mixed into the Butter. I like My Brownies STRONG, for my 40th B-Day, I made some Hash Canna-Butter Brownies, that I added 14-16 grams of hash to!!! I did not eat any, but everyone that did, either thought I had used Mushrooms in the Brownies and Freaked the Hell Out, Or really enjoyed the Fry and complete relaxation of their Muscles, or Passed out within an Hour of eating them, or Both!!! I had a couple People that thought i had dosed My Brownies with Mushrooms, and were really freaking out, I had to convince them and their spouses I did NO SUCH THING(NEVER WOULD DO THAT, PERIOD), and had to keep them from calling the Paramedics, Literally. I explained to their spouses that You cannot Overdose on Cannabis of any type, Hash, Kief any kind of Cannabis. Unless of course You were walking under a 1,000 pound Bale, and it fell and hit You in the Head!!! They finally believed me after much searching on the internet about the safety of Cannabis, and their partners finally mellowed out, and either passed out, or realized they had, had a Panic attack, and began to enjoy the High. Most could not walk though, to save their lives, and laid sprawled all over My Couches, Chairs and Floor!!! I had a Keg of Newcastle Ale, that went relatively untouched, except by Me of Course!!! And spent My 40th Taking Care of Dear Family And Friends. Which is not so bad when YOU LOVE them, and have a Full Fresh Keg of New Castle ALE!!! It must be My Anglo-Saxon Black Irish Blood showing It's Self in My DNA!!! The Balck Irish, are not Black(PER SE, AFRICAN),We are what is also Known as Scots-Irish, when We came to America. The English"GSTQ" They cleared out the Scottish Highlands sometime during the late, I believe !6th Century, and continued the Process the the !9thCentury, virtually clearing the Scottish Highlands of Some of it's most important population Producers, Young, Virile, Men!!! They did this because the English Empire Needed Troops for all it's Far Flung Colonies, and a very Good Group of Warriors happened to inhabit their Lands in Scotland, up in the Highlands, and other areas of Scotland Too I might add. So they used them to inhabit, other areas of the world, Like India,Australia, The American Colonies, Ireland, The Middle East, Canada, New Zealand and many more i do not want to think of!!!:cheesygrinsmiley: We were Black Irish, because we lived in Ireland, but were really Scottish, Transplanted There, and Were never excepted FULLY by the Irish, and We never Felt Irish to Begin With. so when the chance came to come to America, many Families Jumped at It!!! Yes we were Ready for a new start, but Knew we would More Than Likely be Indentured Servants For A Period OF TIME. Like in the Royal Army, Royal Navy, ETC ALL. I know I am rambling so please excuse Me, It has been a long day. Well enough of the history lesson, You get the idea. Auntie, they say that Cannabis Tea can Mellow You Out, but more from the other Cannabanoids that are in it than THC!!!:hmmmm: Like Cannabidiol, Maybe??? Taking Up Too Much space,took forever to right, SORRY, got Carried away,been a Prattlen!!!:goof: Love J&Y.P.S., It looks like i might have to Sleep on Your Couch Tonight,Tia!!! Sorry!!!:laughtwo::thumb:


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