Neuro Genesis Study to Grow Dreams & Meds

Grow2HealMe;3889574 said:
The Mighty Mitochondria
(Dedicated to Bode)


B = Biogenesis is healing on a cellular level
N = Neurogenesis is using cannabis to create new brain cells.
M = Heal the Mitochondria to heal the brain.

Welcome to the answers to all of our problems. Hahahaha It sounds funny but it’s actually true. Please allow me to explain myself. Grab some medicine and a drink cause we are diving into details today.

In all of my journals you have learned about Neurocannabis – the concept of healing Neurodegenerative Diseases with the healing terpenes in Cannabis. This term is still in its’ infancy as we have worked almost two years to define the meaning and its’ applications in our own treatment plans.

But then we delve even deeper into the mysteries of Neurogenesis. Neurocannabis is one of many natural brain therapies called “Adult Neurogenesis” – the power to heal and create new brain cells through brain therapies that also include Cannabis as dosing medicine.

However, Bode lead me to the answers to all of my problems at a cellular level. May I introduce you to “The Mighty Mitochondria.” The batteries and power plants of our cells. If we want to heal on a cellular level, we must increase the power to think, the power to move, the power to live or die.

Here are scientific details that may answer some of your questions.

“The role of mitochondria in neurodegenerative diseases: mitochondria as a therapeutic target in Alzheimer’s disease

Mitochondria are cytoplasmic organelles responsible for life and death. Extensive evidence from animal and clinical studies suggests that mitochondria play a critical role in aging, cancer, diabetes and neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, and Huntington's disease. Several lines of research suggest that mitochondrial oxidative damage is an important cellular change in most late-onset neurodegenerative diseases. Further, emerging evidence suggests that structural changes in mitochondria, including increased mitochondrial fragmentation and decreased mitochondrial fusion, are critical factors associated with mitochondrial dysfunction and cell death in aging and age-related diseases. In addition, epigenetic factors and lifestyle activities may contribute to selective disease susceptibility for each of these diseases. This paper discusses research that has elucidated features of mitochondria that are associated with cellular dysfunction in aging and neurodegenerative diseases. This paper also discusses mitochondrial abnormalities and potential mitochondrial therapeutics in AD.



Why are mitochondria important in neurodegenerative diseases?

Mitochondria are cytoplasmic organelles essential for life and death. They perform several cellular functions, including: 1) intracellular calcium regulation, 2) ATP production, 3) the release of proteins that activate the caspase family of proteases, 4) alteration of the reduction-oxidation potential of cells, and 5) free-radical scavenging (Reddy 2007). Mitochondria are compartmentalized into 2 lipid membranes: the outer mitochondrial membrane and the inner mitochondrial membrane. The outer membrane is porous and allows the passage of low molecular-weight substances between the cytosol and the inter-membrane space. The inner membrane provides a highly efficient barrier to ionic flow, houses the mitochondrial respiratory chain or electron transport chain (ETC), and covers the mitochondrial matrix, which contains tricarboxylic acid (TCA) and beta-oxidation. Mitochondria are transmitted maternally. However, in rare situations, paternal inheritance and a recombination of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) have been reported (reviewed in Reddy and Beal 2005).”



Now that we know the mighty mitochondria represents the light switch on the wall that determines whether our lights stay on or turn off, how do we change for the better. I always like to see what exactly I’m healing so I can do visualizations.

By looking at this picture, we are seeing a healthy neuron vs. an unhealthy neuron in late stages of ALZ.



“Mitochondrial Biogenesis: A Therapeutic Target for Neurodevelopmental Disorders and Neurodegenerative Diseases

In the developing and mature brain, mitochondria act as central hubs for distinct but interwined pathways, necessary for neural development, survival, activity, connectivity and plasticity. In neurons, mitochondria assume diverse functions, such as energy production in the form of ATP, calcium buffering and generation of reactive oxygen species. Mitochondrial dysfunction contributes to a range of neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative diseases, making mitochondria a potential target for pharmacological-based therapies. Pathogenesis associated with these diseases is accompanied by an increase in mitochondrial mass, a quantitative increase to overcome a qualitative deficiency due to mutated mitochondrial proteins that are either nuclear- or mitochondrial-encoded.

This compensatory biological response is maladaptive, as it fails to sufficiently augment the bioenergetically functional mitochondrial mass and correct for the ATP deficit. Since regulation of neuronal mitochondrial biogenesis has been scantily investigated, our current understanding on the network of transcriptional regulators, co-activators and signaling regulators mainly derives from other cellular systems. The purpose of this review is to present the current state of our knowledge and understanding of the transcriptional and signaling cascades controlling neuronal mitochondrial biogenesis and the various therapeutic approaches to enhance the functional mitochondrial mass in the context of neurodevelopmental disorders and adult-onset neurodegenerative diseases.”



5 Ways to Naturally Boost Your Mitochondria

1. Sun Exposure (Within reason)
The sun is one of the most powerful mitochondrial boosters in our arsenal for optimal health and wellbeing.

2. Cold Thermogenesis

Short bursts of exposure to extreme cold temperatures can up-regulate mitochondrial biogenesis (making new mitochondria) by tricking the body into thinking it has to enter survival mode. This short term stressor elicits the hormetic response. This is a real life example of the old adage "what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger".
About 20 seconds of exposure at 32 degrees F (0C) 3 times per week is enough to reap the benefits.

3. Intermittent Fasting

Numerous studies have linked caloric restriction to improved mitochondrial function and increased longevity.
Mitochondria in caloric restriction learn to increase oxygen efficiency, reduce oxidative stress byproducts, yet are able to "maintain critical ATP production". [4,5]
It's also theorized that refraining from continuous eating reduces mitochondrial free radical production.
You can achieve this effect without going on a hunger strike. Simply incorporate intermittent fasting into your life a few times per week to boost your mitochondria.
IF, as it is known, involves fasting"windows" of 16-20 hours per day, followed by 4-8 hour eating windows.

4. Move More

The average American sits for 13 hours a day. Add in the recommended 8 hours of sleep and we're sedentary for 21/24 hours each day - nearly 88% of our time. [6]
Mitochondria like exercise, activity, and movement, and humans are designed for movement. Feed your mitochondria as much movement as possible, focusing on variety and quality. For more on movement and it's connection to improved health.

5. Use Fat For Fuel

Mitochondria can use fatty acids or carbohydrates to create the ATP our cells need for energy.
However the ATP creation process from fat is more efficient and creates less free radicals as a by product.
This is a crucial consideration when looking at longevity and our overall lifecycle.
Consider these findings from a Yale study that discovered mitochondria adapt their function in response to sugar:

"We found that when sugar increases in the body, mitochondria in some brain neurons rapidly change their shape and their function is altered. These findings imply that alterations in this mechanism may contribute to the development of metabolic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, in which the body is not able to clear high levels of sugar from the blood."



Feeding Your Mitochondria

In terms of nutrition, Patrick emphasizes the importance of the following nutrients; important co-factors needed for your mitochondrial enzymes to function properly:
• CoQ10 or ubiquinol (the reduced form)
• L-Carnitine, which shuttles fatty acids to the mitochondria
• D-ribose, which is raw material for ATP molecule
• Magnesium
• Omega-3 fatty acids
• All B vitamins, including riboflavin, thiamine, and B6
• Alpha-lipoic acid (ALA)



Meditation not only provides oxygen to the brain it lowers our stress level which makes it easier to create new brain cells. This also helps regulate the mitochondria movement and function.

We need to eat enough anti-oxidants that will allow the mitochondria to process healthy fats and feed the body with much needed nutrients and supplements we are sorely lacking.

Movement and exercise is critical to brain health and the overall physiology of our bodies.

Our oil therapies are an exceptional way to improve our mighty mitochondria.

In the end, we have the ability to create positive change in ourselves if we remain open to functional medicine and how we can heal our brain using natural therapies.

“Functional Medicine and the idea that every system in our body is connected—everything we eat, do, say, think, and how we live can influence all aspects of our health, including that of our brain.”



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