NobleWeed's AK47 in soil

NobleWeed;948381 said:
Hello everyone at 420MAGAZINE. I have spent many hours looking at all of your grows and learning as much as possible. Its much better then sitting in class ALL day or being at work.
This is my first grow since i got my green card. My good friend gave me some clones of his AK 47 plant that was dying so that i could become self sufficient.

Here is a pic of the Clones. I have them under a 100W CFL

They are in small 3" pots and are only 1 week old. I just put them in soil before i took this picture.
Here is a picture of the mother that i cut them off of.:rip:

My friends room mate left town and didn't water it for several weeks and had the light off the whole time that's why it is in such horrible shape.
After taking all the usable clones we could we salvaged the stem dried Bud.

Such a horrible sight i know. After watering and a few 100W CFLs she perked right up again and i am now going to take the last 2 stems and grow them. I have wated a whole week to see if the last stems were even alive or not.

I built a grow tent for the clones 4X4X6 and will put them in as soon as i have them on a once a day watering schedule. I am using 8 35W 3500K vertical lights because i don't want to prune the leaves to give the bud sights more light. I also have a 400W HPS bulb i will use for the flowing stage but not going to hook it up just yet as i don't have proper ventilation in the tent. I left the light on over night too see what the temp will rise up to.
Here is a pic.

I went with the tent vice hydroponic because it is much less $$$ and also i don't want to loose power this spring and loos my whole crop. I will invest in a hydro system as soon as i am more comfortable growing and i know more.
As you can see the grow tent doesn't have a top as of yet because i don't know what else i will be hooking up. if you have some ideas let me know. like should i run ventilation top to bottom or bottom to top. As it stands now it cost less then 100$ total to build but i don't have the receipt right now. I will give a parts breakdown and more pics if you want me to post them.

I have FOX FARM GROW BIG and they are planted in Miracle Grow potting soil because i hear it dose wonders for them in root forming. It only has trace amounts of nutrients and will probably be gone before harvesting.

Well that's all the information i have at the moment i will be back tomarow to post some more.

I have 96 square feet of grow room with a 6' ceiling.
Q: Will this be enough room for 5 AK 47?
Q: How should i hook up my ventilation?
Q: How long should i veg them for?
Q: What Nutrient PPM should i use?

That should be enough for my first post.
Thank you for looking.:thanks:


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