Simple Germination Success

There are many ways to germinate seeds. However, each brings its own set of risks. For instance, the paper towel method has the potential to breed fungus that will kill the sprouts. I use a method that gives close to a 100% success rate within approximately 24 hours (older seeds and those stored in less than ideal conditions may take longer) and is drop-dead easy!

Materials Needed:

  • Seeds
  • A small water tight container - I use one of those 4 oz jars that the dispensaries sell top-shelf medicine in
  • Water, suitable for growing, PH'ed to ~5.8
  • A razor blade or very sharp knife
  • A few drops of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide (without buffering agents)

The Process:

  1. Make sure everything is clean, including your hands. The biggest threat to developing seeds are pathogens like fungus, etc.
  2. Fill the container with the PH'ed water
  3. Add a few drops of Hydrogen Peroxide to the water - this keeps things clean and kills any pathogens that may find their way into the solution
  4. I find it a good idea to score each seed so the shell becomes hydrated more quickly. To do this, hold the seed between your thumb and forefinger and arrange it so the side with the sharp ridge faces you. Carefully run the blade a short distance along the ridge until you see a very small amount of material removed. This removes some of the smooth water-tight shell material allowing water to penetrate more easily. It is not necessary to remove much material - its more important to scrape away just enough to rough up the seam in a small spot.
  5. After scoring them, drop the seeds into the water.
  6. Store the container in the dark at room temperature.
  7. The Hydrogen peroxide will form bubbles that tend to make the seeds float. However, placing a lid on the container and shaking it gently once or twice a day should get them to sink. It's not necessary that they sink, so long as they are immersed in the water. Please do not stick anything unsterile (like a finger) into the water - you don't want to introduce any pathogens.
  8. Within about 24 hours the radicles will begin to protrude from the seeds. Once the radicle is about 1/8 - 1/4 inch long the sprouts should be moved into your planting media. I use coco and plant them about 1 - 3 inches deep with the radicle pointing toward the earth. Cover the seeds lightly with media.
  9. In 1 - 3 days seedlings should be popping up through the media.

It is important to have a good strong light source above the seedlings as they pop out. It is also important to have good clean soil and to water the new seedlings lightly so as not to encourage fungus growth.

Note: some seeds take longer to germinate. In this case, I add a couple drop of Hydrogen peroxide to the water every other day to keep things clean.


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