Soil maintenance: How Neiko does it

neikodog;3716075 said:
Doc Bud;3714542 said:
Neiko has gallons of the "new" drenches. ARe his plants crispy? Why not? (or if they are I sure need to hear about it.)

Wow, lots of info happening in a short time. I am a firm believer in the new drenches! I love em. The only crispy's I get are admittedly my own doing (to close to the lights or too heavy on the foiliars). I haven't experienced the problems others are.

Just some other thoughts, I think Graytail touched on it. When mixing new soil, I tend to mix the whole kit/kits together at once then divide into bins to cook, I always wondered how the splitting would affect the cook. Like is there equal parts of everything in each bin. I guess I've been lucky so far I haven't had any issues. When I recycle 2nd or 3rd run I tend to do 2 10 gallon root balls together with 6 oz of amendment per bin....4 oz of 3rd run per bin. I add about 10 lbs of EWC and I mix it by hand in the bin then add a light layer of leaves with Roots! and water. I'm wondering if some of the issues may be due to an inconsistent mix of the amendment?


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