SweetSue's Cannabis Oil Study Hall cancer treatment

Cajun was pretty forthright about not having any preferred strains. Each patient is an individual. There are some basic guidelines. It's recommend you have a high THC sativa, a decent hybrid with a balanced ratio of THC:CBD, (possibly something with a higher ratio of CBD - it's CBD that knocks down inflammation, a significant contributor to pain) and as pure an indica with high THC as you can find. This will give you meds for daytime use and sleep.

The CBD you're taking is helping the THC in a couple ways. It'll temper the euphoric effects as it also helps THC be more effective in attachment and signalling. You're treating breast cancer Ali. You need all the THC you can get into the system, within reason. At some point you'll want to consider suppositories. Cajun's shared with a couple times about the effectiveness of treating breast cancer using suppositories. You'll get maximum cannabinoid load without the euphoria.

You'd be well advised to learn to tack as well. A small tack of CCO in advance of the major dose using another method of administration will prime the pumps, so to speak, and make the larger dose more effective.

There are other matters of bioavailability to be considered as well. Apigenin is a supplement I highly advise you secure a source of and begin taking as a daily dose, if not in advance of every dose, at the same time you'd be tacking, which is what I'd recommend. Canjun's personal oncologist recommended up to 1500 mg of apigenin a day when he had cancer. He was just around these parts yesterday reminding us of the necessity of this valuable supplement. It's a cancer-killer in its own right. Buy some. Begin to take them now.

The first couple pages of any thread on these subjects is the meat and potatoes of any particular topic. Once you've looked over the preliminary information I advise you always jump to the current page and ask questions. It's much easier to track information if you let us assist you. We can also focus on points you may be unaware of, like the fact that some members are beginning to explore DMSO as an additive to enhance the healing properties further.

If I were going to try any of the tinctures for you I'd get the balanced ratio one. You need the high THC to kill the tumor cells but any protocol you attempt exclusively through the gut is likely to have you stoned out of your mind Ali. You're talking about taking in up to a gram of oil a day. Current treatments I've been reading and hearing of are often far below that maximum dose, but you won't know what your optimal therapeutic dose is until you have decent oil on hand and are ready to begin.

It's not as easy as simply start. You have to begin at a sub-therapeutic dose and work up slowly to give the endocannabinoid system time to adjust to the sudden increase in cannabinoids. If done too quickly there's a risk of over-exciting the system, which will cause it to take receptors off line. Not something we want to deal with. It's reversible, but you have to start from the beginning.

Your on your way to healing Ali. In no time you'll be pulling this all off like a natural. Your system was evolved to heal, just like everyone else's. :hug: :love:


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