SweetSue's Cannabis Oil Study Hall

Canyon;3107175 said:
I have trouble going by an open dispensary without stopping. The other day I stopped at a new one in Albuquerque. It was new and did not have a lot of variety. Harlequin was front and center, interesting. I bought a small amount of Northern Lights Skunk and ask about clones.

It turns out they are giving away a high CBG they have developed (Zak Haze) to each qualified patient that joins before there grand opening when they are ready to pass out.

When I got home, I found this at their web site. Add a .com and look around.


Organtica Blog
David White
29 September 2016
Hits: 75

Two little capsules a day is all it takes for many to begin to feel better and gain a sense of control over their health and wellbeing. We have spent a considerable amount of time and research to develop a product that will help with daily life and deliver a healthy, measured dose of beneficial cannabinoids that when combined with a healthy lifestyle of good nutrition, exercise, and restful sleep, will result in feeling better and healthier. We also enlisted Steep Hill Laboratory's Chief scientist to ensure our formulas were the best they can be for New Mexico patients.

If you consume more than 2.5 grams of medical cannabis a day,
you might consider adding Concentrated Cannabis Oil to your therapy

It’s simple. As a patient you are allotted 280 units over the course of 90 days. Each and every unit counts and though 8 ounces of medical cannabis may sound like a lot, spread that out over 90 days you have a different picture altogether. As it works out, 8 ounces over 90 days is 2.5 units per day (2.5 grams of medical cannabis flower or .75 grams of concentrate). Confusing? You bet it is and, this is why you need a good strategy to ensure you have enough medication to get you from point A to point B.

We love smoking flower, but let’s face it, if you need more than 3 joints a day, sooner or later you are going to reach your limit and you’ll be turned away from your local dispensary. If you use edibles and concentrates, as part of your cannabis therapy routine, keeping track of your units is even further complicated and if you’re not careful, can eat up (no pun intended) your units faster than you might imagine.

What can you do to ensure you'll have enough medical cannabis?
It’s not sexy, and nobody likes to hear it, but…. Budget. There, I said it, the “B” word. Sit down and do an honest tally of your daily use. If you fall into the casual or light use category, you should be fine. If you require more, it’s time to do a brutal assessment. If it’s PTSD or chronic pain, you might consider a concentrated cannabis oil therapy combined with medical cannabis flower and other concentrates.

How does Concentrated Cannabis Oil work?

Organtica provides CCO capsules in a daytime and nighttime formula. When taken daily these two capsules count as one unit, leaving you with 1.5 units of flower or .375 units of concentrates daily to administer when you deem appropriate.

How will I feel when I take these capsules?
Look, if you are moderate to heavy user, you probably have a pretty high tolerance. These capsules won't melt your face off. You will feel the effects of the full entourage effect of beneficial cannabinoids and terpenes. Many of you will feel a sense of intoxication or euphoria. New patients and patients with low tolerances may want to stick to the nighttime plan and skip the daytime dose until they have built up a sufficient tolerance to be comfortable.

Our suggested daily schedule to a better way of feeling healthy

Day One:

Wait until after you've had your evening meal, and about a half-hour before you go to sleep, take the green capsule. It is important to plan accordingly and allow yourself a minimum of 8 hours of sleep. Make sure to set your alarm clock.
Upon awaking, you may feel a bit groggy. Caffeine or exercise may help alleviate this situation, if you are so inclined and effected. Most people find the effect to dissipate quickly.
If you do wake up groggy, wait until noon to take the daytime capsule (Green and White) . If you wake up good to go and refreshed from a great night’s sleep, take the daytime capsule right after your breakfast (don’t skip breakfast!).

Day Two:
All of the above. Green capsule at night, Green and White capsule in the morning.
Eat well! Don’t skip breakfast! Eat sensibly and well balanced. Fresh vegetables, fruit and plenty of clean water. Eat several small meals instead of one or two large meals. The object to to realign your body and let it do its thing.

Day Three:
All of the above. Green capsule at night, Green and White capsule in the morning… with a twist.
On day three you will start to feel comfortable with the medication, plan a schedule that includes a good hot bath before bedtime. If you really want to get the most beneficial use out of the bath time include epsom salt based, organic bath bombs to the water and soak for a good 20 minutes. I know right? Who has time for this kind of stuff? You do. Do it! The simple matter that you stop for 20 minutes and let your body relax is enough to make anybody’s day a whole lot better.

Day Four:
Same as day one and two. But today instead of taking a bath, you are going to take a 20 minute walk. Around the block, around the house, it’s up to you. Have a pet? Take them along for the walk. Well, unless you have a cat. Yeah, cats aren’t real good with taking walks.
The idea is to carve out 20 minute every few days to dedicate it to your body and your wellness. Like to run? Great, do it. Jog? Ride a bike? What ever floats your boat, do it. Do it for 20 minutes every few days.

Day Five:
Same as day one and two. But today instead of taking a bath or going for a walk you are going to take 20 minutes and meditate. For many, this may be the most challenging aspect of the therapy. The object is to simply sit comfortably and think of nothing for 20 minutes. Just sit there and listen to the sound of your breath, in and out. Sit and listen to the smallest of sounds in your world, sit and listen, try not to think about your day, the things you have to do, etc. Just sit, listen, and be in the moment.

Day Six:

Same as day one and two. But today instead of taking a bath a walk or meditating, you are going to take a 20 minutes and do what ever makes you feel good. Have a hobby? Write a letter, draw a picture, whatever floats your boat. Just do it for 20 minutes!

Day Seven:

Same as day one and two. But today instead of all the other stuff, take the day off. Yup. Do your thing. Get ready for the next week and reflect on how you feel. Contemplate how your sleep has been impacted and how your typical aches and pains are at this moment.

Feels better, right?

The ultimate goal is to focus on a healthy lifestyle that is beneficial to the mind, body and spirit. By practicing the routine you are challenged to create time and space that is dedicated to your health and wellbeing. By achieving the practice, you are devoting time to you and being a more comfortable participant in your health. Whether you choose to add concentrate cannabis oil as part of your daily routine or not, simply focusing on your health and following the daily guidelines as suggested above, will help immensely.

Who has time for this kind of mumbo jumbo? You do. Look, we all have busy lives; bills, family, jobs, more bills to pay and crap to deal with. It's hard carving out 20 minutes a day to do something a silly as "just sitting there and not thinking about anything". But it works! Try it, what do you have loose?


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