The Effects of Wind

Scarfinger68;2563807 said:
Radogast;2563605 said:
I have my fan on all the time to keep fresh air around my plants. The air exchange helps the leaf pores inhale and exhale.

I think a fan breeze does a better job discouraging flying pests than it does strengthening stems.

Whatever the reasons, a fan that moves air around the leaves is a good thing :)

Obviously there is a difference in genetics. One plant being short and the other stretching. But, it is very common reference in the cannabis community that wind and stem strength are related.

Ok... Going to throw some science up in here:

From the "Oxford Journals" "Experimental Botany"

The effects of air flow and stem flexure on the mechanical and hydraulic properties of the stems

Wind has 2 functions:

1. Air flow
2. Flexure

They have opposite effects on the plant:

It was found that flexure and air flow had opposite effects on several aspects of development;

Air flow:
air flow increased plant height and length specific stem hydraulic conductivity, kh, and reduced stem rigidity and strength

Flexure does the opposite:
decreases plant height and increased stem rigidity and strength

A major difficulty with understanding the effects of wind on plants is that it acts not as a single stimulus, but has two quite different effects: it increases the air flow past the leaves and it mechanically stimulates the plant, in particular flexing the stem.

So for optimal growth you need both. Only having one leads to tall skinny plants or to much wind/flexure retards the plant growth

I take my thin sproutlets and shake them from side to side.

I don't want to piss anyone off.... So I will drop the subject and conclude with...

Do what works for you my friend :)


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