The Perpetual Healing Garden - SweetSue's Joyful Return

SweetSue;2956620 said:
pain creme

In my wanderings today I found myself at an old thread on pain creme that intrigued me. A pain creme, made with a mere 2 grams of bud capable of healing diabetic ulcers. I had to try. It may be useful for psoriasis. The thread can be found here:

Pain creme. Using only2 grams. Used many times

He makes some serious claims about what he's seen this creme heal. Well worth chasing down and reading.

The recipe's as basic as it gets; make a coconut oil extraction and add it to a simple beeswax creme base. I can do this.

Oil extraction

2 grams of bud, chopped fine, not powdery.


Turn the oven on the lowest setting.


Remove all but one rack. Place that about 3/4 of the way down.


Combine the 2 grams of prepared buds and 8 tablespoons of coconut oil. As you can see, it's hot enough in my apartment that the oil's liquid. If the oil was solid I could use 4 heaping tablespoons instead of the 8. Liquid form's easier to get a measured dose IMHO. Use a glass jar that can be placed in the oven at your lowest setting.


Close it up and shake vigorously.


Place it on a glass baking dish in the middle of the oven rack. Every hour, initially, give it a shake. After a few times you can back off the every hour to whenever it crosses your mind and it's convienient. Leave it in there for 24-36 hours.


Every hour that I'm up I'll give it a shake. I'm going for the 36-hr mark, shooting for potent. Then I'll strain and make the creme.


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