Coffee & Full Metal Jackie...

Glad I have the next 2 days off. Sunday meeting 1-3PM today. All ready had my kief candy,coffee & listened to Full Metal Jackie on my local Rock station 92.5 The Bear which is now playing Rob Zombie. 2 more days of solid food. Went to Vitamin World yesterday & bought my Egg/Milk protein powder & 24 hr vitamin powder which I will add to water in the blender for 40 days starting on Tuesday the 23rd. I have 1/2 quiznos double meat,double swiss sandwich from yesterday for today & will pig out tomorrow night at Bible study dinner. My allergies & sinuses were bothering me last night but the kief candy has calmed it right now. That candy is a life saver for sure as it got me through 4 days of being sick with the flu. Watched The Vampire Assistant yesterday while at work since it was slow. I got quite a few movies that I need to catch up on. Now that I have the DVD guy who knows when I'll ever go to a theater again? I did go & see Day Breakers but that was cause someone else paid. lol. Guess I should get my a$$ up & take a shower which needs to be cleaned with the S.O.S. pad. Then I can come back here & catch up on all the latest 420 news.


Hey! I'm glad I was looking through your blog! I see now that your on a liquid only diet. Thats great, I dont think I would ever have the strength to do that - GREAT WORK.

The thing about this blog entry that caught my attention is that you drink coffee? Thats ironic, because I actually sell HEALTHY coffee!!

Normal coffee is super bad for you, it unbalances your pH levels and is very acidic. The coffee I sell TASTES GREAT, is HEALTHY for you, and has a neutral pH so it doesnt affect the levels in your body... It really is AMAZING.

The herb in my coffee is called Ganoderma. Never heard of it? If you havent, thats normal! The product was introduced only 3 years ago and not many people in the US know about it. The herb was a ancient Chinese secret for over 5,000 years!

Some of the benefits of the herb are improved digestion and colon health, increase in metabolism and immunity, it oxygenates the blood, reduces fatigue and adds stamina and energy to your day, and much much more!

I could care less whether you buy my coffee or not - BUT I KNOW this product can help you INCREASE your success and achieve your weight loss goals - AND SOME!!

To learn more about the coffee, go to Organo Gold - Home ... Theres info about the company, products, and herb on my site.

If you would like, I would love to get you a sample of the coffee! If you are interested, please PM me and we will discuss it - I would gladly mail you a sample.

It would tickle me pink if I helped you PASS your weightloss goal :)

Hope to hear from you soon!
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Thanks for the info. I will totally check it out I love organic coffee as it doesn't jack up my stomach & make me want to shit all of the time. Man, I had almost forgot about my blogs on here. lol. I am on facebook a lot these days & the place where I am a real stoned cut up is twitter. No hold bars to what I say on twitter. lmao. I will let you know about the coffee, almost time for me to clean up & leave work.
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Ok sounds good!!! I look forward to hearing from you!

If you want, add me on facebook... Tasha Hannah :)
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candy justice
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