Going through prescription drug withdrawal, MMJ Pain Cream to rescue

Ok, quick update, I first used MMJ Pain Cream March 2011 years ago, and got off prescription pain relief I was taking exactly to doctors prescription, but still wenntthrough withdrawals, but used the pain cream, and 1.2 a vicodin when I couldn't stand it anymore, was totally painkiller free within a month.

Then May 2011 I had a stroke, and ended up coming back to New Zealand in July 2011 to recover. MMJ is illegal here, so while I brought some cream 2 x 2oz containers back it ran out about Nov 2011, and had to go back on Painkillers.

Anywho, I got some herbs 3 weeks or so ago, and made more Pain cream, started using it immediately it was made, and stopped using painkillers cold turkey... well for a start it was cold turkey, but from one medication called Gaberpentin which is actually an epilepsy drug, which is supposed to be the holy grail of pain relief,

I have weaned myself down on them over the past months, cause they never did work, not even at 3200 mg a day, and waening down was fine,

but 18 hours after stopping taking it, I had started having epilepic fits, something I had never had before... since I live alone, I actually didn't know I was having them, I'd just wake up, peed in my pants, sometimes in bed, sometimes in my computer chair, sometimes on the floor, was only once a neighbour saw me fall, I found out I was fitting bigtime.
I also developed a electric shocks in my body, like having an electric fence inside my body. This went on for two weeks, went to doctor last week, and she said to start taking the Gaberpentin again. I have, but am breaking the capules apart, and cutting down on what's in them, I'm not going to take this shit forever. The fits and shocks have stopped which is good.

I was also taking a painkiller a very strong Codiene type drug called DHC, trying to cold turkey that was hellish as well. So did a quick taper off them, only taking 1.2 of 1 tab a day now, down from 6 a day over 3 weeks.

I've had chronic pain now for 18 years except for the short break when in San Diego, and when I first got home, has left me knowing there are better things than taking these bloody painkillers, I am using pain-cream, but oh how I would love someone to give me a massage with pain-cream.

I''m pretty bummed out, that I have an addiction to painkillers again and these darn Gaberpentin are wicked, reading online, the drug companies won't tell you but user forums I have read, say people have had to keep taking it long term to stop the fits. Many of them like me, it didn't ever work for them anyway, so the doctor just upped and upped the dose cause Pfizer said it was a wonder drug. Assholes

I guess i should be grateful I can take way less of them, but I'd rather be my best advertisement for my pain cream cause I know it does work by itself for both my chronic backpain from when I broke my back, and the fibro...

Oh well, even though no-one will probably read this, at least it's recorded somewhere, maybe someone looking for info on Pfizer's wonder drug Gaberpentin, and see how bad this shit is, and use MMJ Cream instead.

Cheers USD


I've read it bro. i can related to trying to get off pain meds. Its been a few years for me. Vics,Perks,muscle relaxers and Oxy. Terrible shit the Docs all want to throw at you so they can get a cut of the money from the Pharmaceutical companies. I'm not going to say that they are not good at times but they are very addictive and when I take them the way the Docs wanted me to I had many a mood changes. Smoke has always been a staple of my diet from mid teens,lol it wasn't until just a few years ago that I really took notice that it helped me tremendously with Pain. Probably always knew it but as a younger man it was just for the high and now its for the relief more then the high.

Best of luck Bro.
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Hey...I read it also. And I too can relate. I was on Methadone and Oxycodone for over 12 years for pain. Kicking the methadone was hell then I was left with the oxy which the docs just cranked way up. I was takeing 15mg of Roxycodone 4 times a day when I follower the docs schedule...but always ran out after like 7 days early because I abused them. I have been off the Oxy now for just over 1 month...since thanksgiving actually. I have moved to suboxone and am tappering from it now. I smoke the weed and eat the brownies but havent tried the cream. Does it get you high or just like make the area where applied numb and kill the pain? I would like to try it if it and may make some. How is it applied?

Thanks for makeing this thread to help people. I appreceate it big time .

Thanks again
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Thanks for making this thread to help people. I appreciate it big time .

You are more than welcome Cona, its lovely to talk to someone that is open to marijuana use, here in New Zealand it's still a no-no subject cause it's illegal, so its just as well I'm crippled much of the time, and don't go out meeting people. Cause I'm a blabbermouth, and would want everyone in pain to try it at least.

About prescriptions drugs, they they are a bastard stuff huh

No it doesn't get you high, not like smoking or edibles, it just kills the pain, and if you spread and rub it in on somewhere with very soft skin like your tummy and thighs, you will get way way way relaxed, and probably fall asleep. And I guess you do get high, but more from being pain free, depression from pain just floats away.

As to how to apply, it depends where your pain is, if its something like carpel tunnel, and its just your wrist and hand thats store, apply topically,
if its easier to recite where you don't have pain, than where you do, apply where the worst pain is, and relief will be instant, before you have finished rubbing it in.
Then choose somewhere like your stomach, thighs, underarms, where there is the softest skin, and just apply liberally. If you have pain in a lot of places, after you make a little bit to see if it's for you, it's worth making a brew out of say 2 oz each of Glycerrine, Coconut oils, and Grapeseed oil. Then add wax and Coconut oil, this makes a very easy to spread cream, and a wonderful massage cream. So you don't use so much, and still get painfree.

Just one thing, if say you have a painful neck and back or shoulder, so painful you actually can't reach to put on the cream. Again rub it into your stomach, it takes a couple of minutes to work, if you don't apply it where it hurts, but 2 or even 5 minutes is a hell of a lot better than how longper or vixodin takes to work

Cheers USD
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