Water Cure Dried MMJ with video

Water Cure part 2
Ok, so I have already worked out that I water cured or re-cured already dried herbs for my last lot of cream, so the cream pretty much herb smell free. "Big bonus"
I was reading somewhere on this site, about making a woman's nylons or we call them pantyhose, but using some of the netting as a sort of a teabag, so trycomes won't be lost, for water cure, I can take that i more step, and then use the teabag when brewing the next brew.

I found some herb in my fridge that was used for cannabutter a few months ago, I was using it to make, herbal chai, and it still ok, so I popped the once boiled leaves and buds into a jar, added some water, becuase the buds and leaves had dried out a lot, and coconut oil, and just kept in lowest oven temp setting for a couple of days, I just strained it this afternoon, and it defiantly has very little dope smell, and yet has pain killing effects.
But I know it could have been a lot better, if it was already on a "teabag" could always make a teabag out of some cheese cloth.
My feeling is, if you do something the same, you will end up with the same result, and where is the learning and improvement in that...
Thought you might enjoy this video, from and making Cannabutter by Jason from Cannabis in Canada


OK Bro, lmao, just my opinion, but if you want to make a point with the powers that be, you pretty much have to deliver it to them in a manner that they aren't afraid of. When you present yourself so obviously intoxicated, your message loses its meaning and makes them think it's just another way to abuse and don't see the medical value. People who have never used and are for some brainwashed idea think that being high on pot is like being drunk on booze. They believe because you're high, you not able to make responsible decisions. you see, it's a shame, but to gain for the cause we need to consider meeting them on their own terms. Sober and formal. Please forgive me, I'm a 60's leftover, but it is true.
I just tried washing some already dried buds in 2X hot water followed by cold bath. It left the water an almost yellow color with a lot of little black specks. I don't have a scope so I'll just do a bio test soon as they dry again.
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Gloman, I agreed with you, it was annoying when he would go off on a rant, and forget what he was doing, this guy has made hundreds of videos showing the process of growing, once you watch a few, you start to see just how sick Jason and his wife are, there are a lot of experiments he starts and can't finish because he or his wife is too sick. He doesn't apologize for having to be stoned to move enough, to make the video, you soon get used of Jason, "it" would be better if he didn't smoke all the time, but Jason wouldn't be moving or now out as an activist in Canada for the cause.
I've got a special place in my heart for Jason, I don't know if he's still alive, he was pretty sick last time i saw him.
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up side down;bt6768 said:
Gloman, I agreed with you, it was annoying when he would go off on a rant, and forget what he was doing, this guy has made hundreds of videos showing the process of growing, once you watch a few, you start to see just how sick Jason and his wife are, there are a lot of experiments he starts and can't finish because he or his wife is too sick. He doesn't apologize for having to be stoned to move enough, to make the video, you soon get used of Jason, "it" would be better if he didn't smoke all the time, but Jason wouldn't be moving or now out as an activist in Canada for the cause.
I've got a special place in my heart for Jason, I don't know if he's still alive, he was pretty sick last time i saw him.

My heart goes out to Jason & his wife. I know first hand how miserable it can be when you're not well. I wish them all the best.
I suffer from several serious problems myself.
I personally have no problem with anyone being "stoned" or as I prefer Medicated, and GOD knows I support the use of mmj.
It is important to not only to Know what we're talking about when having to deal with the powers that be as well as the people who may be on the fence about the whole issue and Look all business as well. People are used to talking about medical problems with "Doctors", who always look the part. It's OUR responsibility to help ease the tension between the different "brainwashed" groups and those of us who are already in the know, so we are able to make the most progress possible in changing these stupid laws all the big Pharma, textile, oil, etc. corps. paid so much to have put on the books only to protect their Maximum Profits.
God bless and stay green.
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