Recent content by 420bakerchef

  1. 4

    Is Obama In Control?

    I do agrre on you idk if i putted there but i did mean to say in critical situations for kids under 18 just like the kid in the video with the deseas that he has that no childcare would take him becasue of his behavior and needs and med. Mj made it possibles a good example to is the kids with...
  2. 4

    Is Obama In Control?

    and the USA is supposedly a free country.... ujum like the lady said upthere! they rather see you high up in pharmaceuticals which making cost less than a cent to a dollar and then when they put it on te market sell it almost 600 dollars no insurance A PIECE! 20 dollars with insurance but then...
  3. 4

    loyal to my woman

    hello 420 community my name is 420bakerchef i'm a CPC certified pastry chef! and i love to make pastries and desserts from scratch!. i was introduce to marijuana when i was younger, this thing cured me!... literally i was suffering from pain because i was riding my bike and fell... now you may...
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