Recent content by 505Chronic

  1. 2012-12-14_22-20-16_583


  2. IMG_20121217_222127


  3. 2012-12-14_22-12-55_716


  4. 2012-12-14_22-07-48_276


  5. 5

    Who's got or had Black Dominican? Better then this?

    Its grown here in New Mexico, and I've never gotten a seed out of that bud but have heard you can order them. where haven't you seen any blacks?
  6. 5

    Anyone know this bud?

    top pic looks like some shit called jacky chan, and melon kush i got from cali, not sure about the other two tho
  7. 5

    Anyone know this bud?

    really sweet smell in nug form, but after being ground turns to a skunky more potent smell, can't really tell the taste but its not sweet like the smell, not headband of any kind?
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