Recent content by Altanon

  1. Altanon

    Romer's Medical Marijuana Bill Would Target Dispensaries, Younger Patients

    Classic example of, " ain't broke, but we'll try to fix it anyway."
  2. Altanon

    Senate Sustains Governor's Veto; House Had Voted To Override

    This is the same old tired excuse that Gov. Jodi Rell used when she vetoed Connecticut's Medical Marijuana Bill in 2007. So, I guess the message they would rather send to the kids is that The Government couldn't care less for the suffering of millions of Americans, as long as the money train...
  3. Altanon

    It's Official: The Media is in Love With Marijuana Legalization w/video

    Don't get me wrong - I'm thrilled to see this happening, and I am not concerned with who gets the credit. But, what about the Millions of Americans who went to Prison or received Felony Convictions because The Government sold them (and the rest of US) down the river? If The Government isn't...
  4. Altanon

    It's Official: The Media is in Love With Marijuana Legalization w/video

    I like how the term, "The People," gets thrown around a LOT. "The People are starting to favor legalization," "The People wouldn't have gone for legalization 15 years ago." The thing is, "The People" never really wanted it illegal to start with! We have The Government and a number of Big...
  5. Altanon

    Bong Water Is Now A Crime

    I suggest they make the Persecutor ... ah, Prosecutor ... drink some bong water. While never having actually drank any, I have had the occasional unfortunate droplet find its way into my mouth, and that was more than enough!
  6. Altanon

    Hemp Facts

    I think the thing that angers me the most with the US Government is that they made Hemp illegal just when it might have saved tens of thousands of small, family farms across the Country. And, once that era of America was gone, I don't see anything that will bring it back. In a way, you might...
  7. Altanon

    Editorial: Marijuana and Tax Revenue

    Yeah, it's all good until you get to this: Man! How about those fuçking tax rates? $250.00 TAX on an ounce of Primo? That's just insane! Only The Government could Legalize something and create a more lucrative Black Market opportunity! where's the incentive to bother to give the State...
  8. Altanon

    New Medical Marijuana Policy Issued

    Gotta give you this one; it leaves far too many loopholes for The Feds to continue just as they always have.
  9. Altanon

    Greetings from Connecticut...

    Thanks for the welcome! Funny you should mention Rell, The Weed, as I just wrote a rather long post about her, and The Feds backing off the Medical Marijuana States (well, sort of, anyway,) over at Gearslutz. Now, before somebody tells me that HB6715 is as dead as last year's Cod, I know...
  10. Altanon

    Greetings from Connecticut...

    I just found this place, and really glad I did. Y'all may have saved me and an associate from going with LED lights. I'm afraid I won't have much to offer about growing indoors because all my experience was growing outside back in the 70's. I use Pot for Pain. (Sounds like a good slogan: Pot for...
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