Senate Sustains Governor's Veto; House Had Voted To Override

Jim Finnel

Fallen Cannabis Warrior & Ex News Moderator
New Hampshire on Wednesday fell two votes short of becoming the 14th state to legalize marijuana use by severely ill people after the state Senate failed to override Gov. John Lynch’s veto of the measure.

The Senate’s 14-10 vote did not reach the two-thirds needed for passage. Earlier in the day the House voted 240-115 to pass the bill over Lynch’s objections.

Lynch had cited concerns over distribution and cultivation and the potential for abuse. He also said the bill did not clearly restrict marijuana use to people suffering severe pain, seizures or nausea.

The bill would have established three nonprofit "compassion centers" to dispense 2 ounces of marijuana every 10 days to severely ill patients whose doctors approve the drug’s use. The state would have licensed the centers and issued identification cards to their staff, approved patients and caregivers.

Supporters argued that the bill would provide relief to people suffering with chronic or terminal illnesses.

"This is a bill about compassion. It is about using a drug that is relatively safe," said Sen. Peggy Gilmour, D-Hollis. "It is up to 16 of us to look at those who suffer and say, ‘I understand and I will help.’"

Opponents said the bill would invite abuse.

"This is a terrible message to send to our children," said Sen. Robert Letourneau, R-Derry.

Critics in the House argued that a provision prohibiting workplace discrimination against users created a public safety issue for firefighters, police and others.

"We should err on the side of caution," said Rep. Shawn Jasper, R-Hudson.

After the Senate vote, the bill’s prime sponsor, Rep. Evalyn Merrick, said she will refile the bill for the 2011 legislative session after next year’s election, which will change the makeup of both chambers.

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Author: Norma Love
Copyright: 2009 The Keene Sentinel
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Website: |Senate sustains governor's veto on medical marijuana; House had voted to override
Sen. Robert Letourneau said:
"This is a terrible message to send to our children."

This is the same old tired excuse that Gov. Jodi Rell used when she vetoed Connecticut's Medical Marijuana Bill in 2007.

So, I guess the message they would rather send to the kids is that The Government couldn't care less for the suffering of millions of Americans, as long as the money train keeps running for PharmCo, OilCo, PaperCo, et. al.
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