Recent content by angelicbfs

  1. angelicbfs

    Everything nutrients

    Im reading everything on here and growweedeasy and watching school of hard nugs etc everyone is saying something different but im trying to weed through as much as i can ( no pun intended)
  2. angelicbfs

    Everything nutrients

    The larger pots are still only seedlings just 2weeks 5days since i popped the seeds thats why im wary of overwatering them the pot is big its the smallest i had at the time but the seedlings are still little. I havnt used calmag because what ive read my water doesnt need it... i havnt used nutes...
  3. angelicbfs

    Everything nutrients

    My coco isnt totaly dry. The pots are kept quite moist but not soaking only around the top gets dry. Id never heard of doing all that other stuff before and ive been watching everything and reading everything i can find. Looks like i need to read a brave bit more.
  4. angelicbfs

    Everything nutrients

    I live in a medium/hard water area so i ph my water just dont need calmag as far as i can tell. Im not giving nutes yet as i havnt a clue im reading everything i can but its all contradicting and confusing.
  5. angelicbfs

    Everything nutrients

    Dont have calmag? And we flushed the coir but whats charging it? Now i really am lost lol
  6. angelicbfs

    Everything nutrients

    Thanks. Im watering them when the coir looks/feels dry at 1inch below surface as they are only small im not flushing through dont want to drown them, the pots are smart pots and 15ltr. I have hornet coco feed a&b & pk 13/14 that came with my kit do i need others? And only two of my plants are in...
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  12. angelicbfs

    Everything nutrients

    Hi guys, as you know im new to this whole experience but im trying to figure out the nutrient thing its kind of confusing. Im in U.K so my EC is 9.8 When do i start nutes? How much to use & do i just give water inbetween nutes? Im growing in co co coir and have coco feed A & B & pk13/14 but not...
  13. angelicbfs

    First ever grow

    To be fair i would probobly smoke it anyway but since it is the only thing i can function sort of normally with as a mum and it totaly controls my seizures thenthe medical benefit is priceless to me. I dont throw up, im not doubled in two with co codamol stomach pain, i have no seizures 10...
  14. angelicbfs

    First ever grow

    I wont be messing with them a friend/grower is going to put them in the plugs and insruct me further as to what i need to be doing. Like i say first time nervous grower dont want to do anything wrong so im reading everything and getting all the advice i can as well as hands on from experienced...
  15. angelicbfs

    First ever grow

    I have been writing everything down & taking pics at each step i am planning to type it up for myself when i have time thanks for the info
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