Recent content by arachnoiditis

  1. A

    Question on police thermal imaging camera

    i was watching a show on mythbusters the other night and saw where they were trying to beat security systems. ie. fingerprint scans, motion sensors , and yup you guessed it thermal imaging systems! and they easily beat the thermal imaging systems by holding a large piece of plate glass in front...
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    Pro-pot Backers Aim High

    i agree that it should be legal , and that everyone should have the right to grow it for themselves, i was just trying to make suggestions on ways to get it legalized and help out the economy, and also it might help the government regain trust from its citizens. and again this was merely a idea...
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    Pro-pot Backers Aim High

    ive been saying it for years, the government should step in and grow it and sell it them selves in different grades, low medium and high grades. then use that money to get us out of debt! on top of that it would also stop the millions of pounds being brought into the country, and take the...
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    Walter Cronkite & America's Disastrous Drug War Pt 1 - 6

    maybe what we can do as citizens is start forming marches and not just every year but every weekend and not just in one town but all towns. every town or city of a certain population of say 200,000 and up. and most of all make it peacefull and informative to the point that no one could argue the...
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    Maine Republican Favors Legalizing Marijuana

    you make a great point , but could you imagine the cooking shows martha stewart would have made! LOL
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    Maine Republican Favors Legalizing Marijuana

    ive been saying this for years. make it legal and the gov. could use this to help our failing economy. i propose that the gov. should set up grow ops inside every prison and let the non violent prisoners grow it for the national market, they wouldnt have the high costs of labor. and let the...
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    wish i was there, not here

    thanks to you all for the welcome, i have been up all night due to pain and the fact that the lortab's seem to act like a big pot of coffee. but i have been reading boss's cfl grow, and have to say i was very impressed by it. ive also read so many other stories tonight and truely am glad i...
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    wish i was there, not here

    hello, i unfortunatly live in a state where medical marijuana is not availible(va). well here goes, i was born with severe club feet in both feet, had 6 different surgeries to somewhat correct it but am still left with 2 fused ankles, when i was 19 i had my first back surgery (2 ruptured discs...
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