Walter Cronkite & America's Disastrous Drug War Pt 1 - 6

maybe what we can do as citizens is start forming marches and not just every year but every weekend and not just in one town but all towns. every town or city of a certain population of say 200,000 and up. and most of all make it peacefull and informative to the point that no one could argue the facts presented unless they have some financial or political motives to argue against the legalization of marijuanna and other drugs. we need to find every doctor and scientist that we can find to donate thier time to speak at and lend their expertise on the facts at hand. and with the media coverage obtained with a movement of that size and frequency, the laws would be changed. for example take the wemons liberation movement and the equal rights movement. the more i begin to think about it and do research, the more i do not see freedom but a dictatorship, for after all a dictatorship dictates what you can and cant do right? i keep hearing all you have to do is vote! but when you are only given 2 people who are picked by a commitee who really only does what they want not the entire public but a choice few. i saw a cnn poll on legalizing pot and 80% of the people in the usa said yes it should be legal! so i propose that our government should make a country wide vote. be it by internet, telephone, and mail, on the matter of marijuana legalization. IF THIS IS A COUNTRY BY THE PEOPLE FOR THE PEOPLE, THEN BY GOD LET THE PEOPLE VOTE ON IT!!!!!!!! for my local represenative doesnt represent me or my rights to freedom on this matter. i have suffered enough from my illnesses and would like to live out the rest of my days in peace and happyness. and i cant afford to move to a state where i can have medical marijuana. for im disabled and cant work. so i ask all of you, what can or will we do?
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