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  • Ahaaa, the three little dots and triangle lead to the edit button. new tricks don't come easy to an old dog
    I must be going a bit stircrazy,I added 2 more led bulbs. trying to get light to lower branches.
    the big M/H lights don't penetrate down to the lower branches. I'm getting close to 700 watts
    one of my metal halide lights is acting up, about every 2or3 days it won't come on when the other lights do.if I unplug it and plug it back in ten minutes later it will restart,some days it takes 2 or 3 times.
    Fix it or replace it, not worth burning down the house over.
    not sure it's a safety hazard. my lights are on a dedicated circuit just for them. with a 20 amp gfi breaker plus a gfi outlet and a surg protector power strip. I'm like NASA triple redundancy
    I agree with TB... chunk it.
    still trying to get the hang of doing this on a smartphone, if I happen to hit the wrong button and report or whatever I'm sorry.
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