Recent content by Cath1352

  1. C

    How can i get thc out my system fast?

    Anyone else know some "recently proven" elixir, home remedy, tonic??? I've read quite a few, but, quite a few are years old & I'm afraid outdated with current tests... This would be a good forum for more proven remedies, (such as above) & should also include brand names, & how/where to purchase...
  2. C

    How can i get thc out my system fast?

    How can i get thc out my system fast?
  3. C

    Pot-Based Prescription Drug Looks For FDA Approval

    Having the drug companies behind the marijuana issues would end it all, after all, they're the reason there's a problem in the first place...:peace:
  4. C

    Why I Give My 9-year-old Pot

    God bless you all. Wish it were legal in FL. The drug companies are too powerful to allow it. Sad business.:peace:
  5. C

    Meps in 2 weeks!

    A faint line is good. Congrats. I would find some detox drinks (from local pharmacy or health food store) & drink as many as I could afford, along with (lots of) water & periodically test along the way. Then I think you'll do fine. :peace:
  6. C

    Negative dilute wtf? so this time i

    Hard on yourself? I've heard in labs, for pre-employment testing urine, they check for temperature, sex (hormones may count here), sometimes on whether it's real or not, as well as everything that shouldn't be in your system. By the way, if it came up, is it a problem if you "are"...
  7. C

    How can I get THC out my system fast?

    You sound like a "medium-heavy" smoker but I believe that depends on how much you consume 4 X's a wk. I'm researching this issue myself, for personal reference material. One thing I found was, usage is an important question. So far, my search has pointed to this advice: a. Go to all of...
  8. C

    Florida Medical Marijuana

    It's now 2012, and in FL we have idiot running the FL government... Does anyone have an update on this issue??? Floridian
  9. C

    coming together for legalization

    Anything, to get it started. We just have to spead the word, toss 'em & watch the news... ;)
  10. C

    coming together for legalization

    Hey fellow Floridian, I did ride, don't own one now, I miss it. I tried to answer/reply from your message but rec'd a mess. saying I need 50 of something before I'd be allowed. Hope this route works. Agreed, it would be a good idea to add suggestions to where/when in their area to toss, I was...
  11. C

    coming together for legalization

    Thank you for your appreciation to a good concept, it's always welcome as you well know, I'm sure. A good idea only works if we spread it, & do it. So, let's spread it and do it... :high-five: I did except your friend request & I started a blog (I think), should I have started a thread? Anyway...
  12. C

    Comment by 'Cath1352' in 'Ladies Apocalypse Preparedness Society'

    Sounds fun, but did sorting & keeping good (pot & other consumable) seeds to plant (& defend) after the "event" come up? Wink, wink, nudge, nudge.
  13. C

    Come together, right now...-Beatles

    Hello fellow pot devotees. Forty years ago, before the web (obviously). I felt, I had a great idea on how to make it impossible for the "haters" to stop MJ from existing. But, not having the resources to spread the word, it was always put to the back of my mind. Now though, there is internet...
  14. C

    "Come together, right now..."-Beatles

    "Come together, right now..."-Beatles
  15. C

    Comment by 'Cath1352' in 'New to this!!'

    Good luck, wish I was able to grow my own! My living arrangements make it impossible. From a retired lady trucker...
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