coming together for legalization


New Member
what if many of us tokers got together and decided on 1 state that has pending total legalization coming up for vote in november and took the initiative to establish residency for ourselves in that agreed upon state registered to vote there and actually went there to vote for legalization. does anyone think that if we could get enough to follow through on this that we could help make a big enough differance to make sure that it passed? could we continue living in the states we are now and still be able to establish residency in say colorado, ca, mi,wa and get registered to vote-i think that it is possible however it'll probably cost to much cash for each person who would actually do this, what would be needed to do this ? i'm thinking just a p.o. box, a drivers license/state i.d. , and a voter registration form filed.
if we could unite and make this happen in at least 1 state this year, we could do the same the next time for another state that has it on the ballot. it would be a slow and probably expensive way to go, but if we could get just 1 state to pass it and the rest of the states see a positive experiance come outa it i think we would stand a much better chance at getting several states to pass it the next time around. what are everyone elses thoughts on something like this?
Wish it would work, but I think you said it best:

i think that it is possible however it'll probably cost to much cash for each person who would actually do this
what if many of us tokers got together and decided on 1 state that has pending total legalization coming up for vote in november and took the initiative to establish residency for ourselves in that agreed upon state registered to vote there and actually went there to vote for legalization. does anyone think that if we could get enough to follow through on this that we could help make a big enough differance to make sure that it passed? could we continue living in the states we are now and still be able to establish residency in say colorado, ca, mi,wa and get registered to vote-i think that it is possible however it'll probably cost to much cash for each person who would actually do this, what would be needed to do this ? i'm thinking just a p.o. box, a drivers license/state i.d. , and a voter registration form filed.
if we could unite and make this happen in at least 1 state this year, we could do the same the next time for another state that has it on the ballot. it would be a slow and probably expensive way to go, but if we could get just 1 state to pass it and the rest of the states see a positive experiance come outa it i think we would stand a much better chance at getting several states to pass it the next time around. what are everyone elses thoughts on something like this?

It sounds interesting and i think possible. I have one advice for you: contact David du Hempsey, author of novel "The Marijuana Theory", which by the way i think is great.
I heard last week a radio interview with him and he describes an idea pretty similler to yours. I think he can help with this. You can find him on twitter or at: David du Hempsey  - About David du Hempsey
I am an older women, (I smoke, & because her kids turned her on 2-it my mom in her 80's smokes) I hope I see the laws change before I could care less. When I was younger (b-4 web) I used to think/picture a countryside along the hi-way full of MJ plants, why? Because everyone who smokes it, saves their seeds and all of us constantly throw/toss them out anywhere there is soil, along our way as we travel, why not?
Along with your sensible idea, why not make it hard for the ones who want to eliminate it? So, I say let's all join together, toss our seeds, & make it impossible (& costly) to keep up with where and how to stop all these random plants.
Maybe I'll start a mission/task for the cause; Legalize MJ or go broke trying to keep weed(s) from growing everywhere...:peace:
Yall just load on up and come to missouri.We have it all,plus some.We are walking petitions around as we speak.It will be on the ballot I just know it(hope) will be,so come on down for some down home cooking,country cannibas,and friendly people.:thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb:
I am an older women, (I smoke, & because her kids turned her on 2-it my mom in her 80's smokes) I hope I see the laws change before I could care less. When I was younger (b-4 web) I used to think/picture a countryside along the hi-way full of MJ plants, why? Because everyone who smokes it, saves their seeds and all of us constantly throw/toss them out anywhere there is soil, along our way as we travel, why not?
Along with your sensible idea, why not make it hard for the ones who want to eliminate it? So, I say let's all join together, toss our seeds, & make it impossible (& costly) to keep up with where and how to stop all these random plants.
Maybe I'll start a mission/task for the cause; Legalize MJ or go broke trying to keep weed(s) from growing everywhere...:peace:

Hey Now Old Lady, LOL I think you are on to something...:goodjob::bravo:

Can you image if in every state in our free country on 4/20/2012 and every year after, we ALL unanimously go out and "Toss Seeds for Freedom"...The cost for the DEA to remove plants would change their attitude. People could post images of the Freedom plants and see them come to flower and reseed the ground for next year..Then on 4/20/2013, we ALL ban together and again in a new location, "Toss Seeds for Freedom"....With the economy and federal debt, they would have to bow to their stupid laws and submit to God's plant and let it naturally flourish as God speaks of in the bible........

By the way, OLD Man here!
Thank you for your appreciation to a good concept, it's always welcome as you well know, I'm sure.
A good idea only works if we spread it, & do it. So, let's spread it and do it... :high-five: I did except your friend request & I started a blog (I think), should I have started a thread? Anyway, it's a 40 y/o idea (which gives you an idea of my age- opps!). Perhaps you & others would like to help spread this notion??? That is something many can do & many can benefit from- right? Of course... Wink, wink, nudge, nudge.
i have been spreading my bagseeds around for a few years, i have went so far as to grow some upto 8-12" and go in the middle of the night and transplant them in amongst the flowers around the local courthouse(a few years ago b4 cameras became so popular and added to the building), it was just hillarious when a picture of them and an article appeared about them in the local newspaper 2 months later. the only problem i have with spreading the seeds everywhere is we need to consider that many people grow outside and i don't want to pollinate a crop of good genetic females with pollen from some average bagweed, it's a great idea to overgrow the govmnt. i just don't want to ruin peoples outdoor crops by doing it, so with that in mind sow the seeds everywhere you can but try to stay away from areas that may have good outdoor crops going.
Hey fellow Floridian,
I did ride, don't own one now, I miss it.
I tried to answer/reply from your message but rec'd a mess. saying I need 50 of something before I'd be allowed.
Hope this route works. Agreed, it would be a good idea to add suggestions to where/when in their area to toss, I was just following the law of K.I.S.S. Maybe I underestimate some peoples abilities & energy... That said, I also thought quantity may be easier for some to do, sort of how turtles, alligators etc. do to reproduce, many don't make it to maturity but it still works after a few million yrs. Or even like Walmart & other discount chains, relying on volume to reap profits.
This thought has been brewing for yrs. I just wanted to keep it as easy as possible, so the task would appeal to many.
I agree, and guide lines could be posted offering supporters the best place to "Toss their Seeds" for survival in their region. I am not sure cannabis can survive with out some water source? :peace:

it is a weed so as long as your not going to harvest it, it can be grown anywhere, any region with even a minimal amount of rainfall will be sufficiant enough for water, i have seen plants grow in driveway gravel with no water except a couple rainfalls a year and do just fine, not that it'd be worth smoking but it does grow pretty much anywhere in almost any conditions. a lady i used to date actually grew indoors with mostly gravel mixed with a small amount of soil and she cranked out some good bud.
TO born420:
Hey fellow Floridian,
I did ride, don't own one now, I miss it.
I tried to answer/reply from your message but rec'd a mess. saying I need 50 of something before I'd be allowed.
Hope this route works. Agreed, it would be a good idea to add suggestions to where/when in their area to toss, I was just following the law of K.I.S.S. Maybe I underestimate some peoples abilities & energy... That said, I also thought quantity may be easier for some to do, sort of how turtles, alligators etc. do to reproduce, many don't make it to maturity but it still works after a few million yrs. Or even like Walmart & other discount chains, relying on volume to reap profits.
This thought has been brewing for yrs. I just wanted to keep it as easy as possible, so the task would appeal to many.
Anything, to get it started. We just have to spead the word, toss 'em & watch the news... ;)
Hi guys & gals, Unfortunately the people who are suppressing the miracle cure have all the $$$ via big pharma & the health care industry. PLEASE REMEMBER, we out number them by a million to one. We MUST get together on this.
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