Recent content by ChibaChiba

  1. C

    Chiba's Soil Super Lemon Haze Auto, Moonshine Ryder Auto, Wild Pakistan Fem

    I usually only give her (SLH) like a cup of water at the time, so she kinda feels dry down to an inch usually, but again, she have a big bucket as a pot, so i guess she have big roots... And the soil is probably wet further down. Do you water until some water come out of the bottom when you wait...
  2. C

    Chiba's Soil Super Lemon Haze Auto, Moonshine Ryder Auto, Wild Pakistan Fem

    In other words, its better to give more water at a time, but wait 2 or 3 days in between, than to give small amounts daily?
  3. C

    Chiba's Soil Super Lemon Haze Auto, Moonshine Ryder Auto, Wild Pakistan Fem

    Right now i have been doing 1 day fertilizer, 2 days clean water, repeat, so ill do that then, but with a weaker mix :)
  4. C

    Chiba's Soil Super Lemon Haze Auto, Moonshine Ryder Auto, Wild Pakistan Fem

    Another question : Right now my plant leaves have yellow tips (just barely) if im not mistaken thats because of to much fertilizer. Correct? In that case, I can just water with regular water until the leaves start getting lighter green, right? Or should I just water like two or three days...
  5. C

    Show me your amazing plants!

    Super lemon haze auto :) Heres my first plant surviving to flowering :p had issues with heat in a bit to small grow room the first time. This time im doing led. And i have been fertilizing a bit to much. Doing just water now untill the leaves start getting lighter green :)
  6. C

    Chiba says hi - gh!

    Hi people. Just wanted to say hi, since im the new kid :) Im a 32 year old male from Europe. Currently growing my first (hopefully) successful plants (so far so good). I use weed for sleep issues and stomach problems. In my spare time i ride a harley, fish, hunt, or metal detect :) Nice to be...
  7. C

    PW's Perpetual Playhouse

    Subbed :) looking forward to see your plants progress :)
  8. C

    Chiba's Soil Super Lemon Haze Auto, Moonshine Ryder Auto, Wild Pakistan Fem

    Yeah I know i must be patient. He who's waiting for something good, is not waiting in vain i guess :) sure :D
  9. C

    Chiba's Soil Super Lemon Haze Auto, Moonshine Ryder Auto, Wild Pakistan Fem

    Can't wait to have the first rip on homegrown. I bet it taste even better knowing I didn't pay for it :D also, im gonna do some LST on my youngest plants, as well as im gonna top it more than once (like i did on the SLH) Just wish i could speed up time in my grow room :D i had a friend watch...
  10. C

    Chiba's Soil Super Lemon Haze Auto, Moonshine Ryder Auto, Wild Pakistan Fem

    Yes, that is my plan, im just happy that I might get to see some buds for the first time :) I did use a regular fluorescent light tube for a couple of weeks before my grow room was done, then it had 2 weeks with hps, together with some temperature differences before it stabilized when i got the...
  11. C

    Chiba's Soil Super Lemon Haze Auto, Moonshine Ryder Auto, Wild Pakistan Fem

    Awesome! That means i can run everything under the same light all the way :D btw. Shouldnt my SLH be taller now, since its already like 2 weeks into flower? Every other SLH plant i see online is huge compared to mine...
  12. C

    Chiba's Soil Super Lemon Haze Auto, Moonshine Ryder Auto, Wild Pakistan Fem

    Hi there! Let me introduce myself, I'm Chiba. Im 32, and im on my way to learn the art of growing :) I have tried growing earlier, about 10 years ago, however without much success. In my earlier attempts, i used a Hps light that I got from a local greenhouse, claiming i was a student trying...
  13. Chiba name

    Chiba name

  14. Chiba plant small

    Chiba plant small

  15. Chiba SLH

    Chiba SLH

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