Recent content by CoralineJones

  1. CoralineJones

    Anyone bought beans from Herbies recently?

    let us know when u make a grow journal, will deffs subb :passitleft:
  2. CoralineJones

    Australian Growers?

    how are your plants going anyway? you should start a journal soon aha :smokin2:
  3. CoralineJones

    Anxious about my first grow: Needing some guidance

    did your seeds come through? what seedbank did you order from?
  4. CoralineJones

    Anyone bought beans from Herbies recently?

    any Aussies looking for a good seed bank i highly recommend gyoseed bank, they ship inside Australia so no need to worry about customs seizing ya beans
  5. CoralineJones

    Australian Growers?

    once i start breeding ill be more than happy to do some seed for seed swaps, would be great way to start hopefully an Aussie wide network of like minded growers sharing the genetics of their plants but who knows, i like to dream lmao start a grow journal and ill be sure to sub in :passitleft:
  6. CoralineJones

    Australian Growers?

    W.A. here, auto grower mainly as they have a faster turn over rate, i found gyoseedbank to be the best one as they ship inside Australia so need to worry about getting ya beans seized by customs, going to start an alien v triangle F2 auto soon just waiting for financial circumstances to improve...
  7. CoralineJones

    let me know when you start your new grow, would be lovely to see some more aussie grow journals...

    let me know when you start your new grow, would be lovely to see some more aussie grow journals about :) hope all is well
  8. CoralineJones

    What strains are you other Aussies growing?

    how are your plants coming along? iv'e got some alien v triangle F2 auto seeds just waiting for finances to improve before i make a grow journal lol
  9. CoralineJones

    What strains are you other Aussies growing?

    i' i've heard the guy who runs yantra seeds lies about his strains and is also an informant but i cant be 100% sure just going of what i've heard on the forums
  10. CoralineJones

    hey i saw your comment on growing red devil 20 or so years back, i've actually tried it recently...

    hey i saw your comment on growing red devil 20 or so years back, i've actually tried it recently and was impressed, i'd love to know more about the strain if u have any info :)
  11. CoralineJones

    Auto Growers Unite: A Community Thread

    what seedbank did you use if you dont mind me asking
  12. CoralineJones

    Auto Jack 2: A Re-Veg Story

    i am actually, candy kush auto, ive only got 2 atm, still small
  13. CoralineJones

    Auto Jack 2: A Re-Veg Story

  14. CoralineJones

    some also put up a false location

    some also put up a false location
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