Recent content by crasher87

  1. C

    Question about cooking weed

    nice man thanks! I have a frozen pizza in the oven now with weed on top of it. I had no cheddar or motzeralla so I used paremeasean to top the weed. Not the powder parmasean its actual parmesean. Im so pissed i didnt have at least cheddar in the fridge!
  2. C

    Question about cooking weed

    Example: I made pizza and put weed over the cheese and stuck it in the oven. I eat a piece 5 minutes after it cooles down. Im full and decide to eat the rest later. Would I have to warm up the pizza to activate the thc or can I eat it cold and still get high? In general Can I eat food with weed...
  3. C

    Hempy Halloweed!

    I wish I standing behind her!
  4. C

    Just put firecrackers in the oven!

    what message?
  5. C

    Just put firecrackers in the oven!

    Penut butter is fattening. Thc at high heat melts into the fat.
  6. C

    Just put firecrackers in the oven!

    i meant that it didnt reak up the kitchen. If u smelled the crackers up close thats what you would smell. I think ill stick to this method I got ripped. I passed out an hour after it took full effect. I urge everyone to try this! All it takes is .5 to a gram. I made the crackers with a buddy...
  7. C

    Just put firecrackers in the oven!

    Well its been an hour and im pretty fuckin high and its peaking. My eyes are really droopey to lol! :biggrin: The recipe my friend sent me said 350 but i always bake everythin 10 degrees higher. I lowered it to 320 20-25 mins in. Its almost an hour since I ate them and im slowly getting higher...
  8. C

    Just put firecrackers in the oven!

    how long will it take approximately to kick in?
  9. C

    Just put firecrackers in the oven!

    its been 20 mins i feel buzzed so an extent. Well I will tell you how I cooked them. I put the temperature at 365 and cooked em for 25 minutes. TheN I changed it to 320 and left em in for 10 more minutes. I recommend that you wrap them in tinfoil. The firecracker that was not wrapped in tinfoil...
  10. C

    Just put firecrackers in the oven!

    I just finished eating them and god that tasted terrible. I barely tasted the penut butter. And the weed had a very herby smell and tase to it. It didnt smell at all. If it reaked of anything it was penut butter. It was really hard for me to eat the second firecracker cause of the bad taste. I...
  11. C

    Just put firecrackers in the oven!

    im crossing my fingers! I hope i get ripped or at least feel it!
  12. C

    Just put firecrackers in the oven!

    well i dont have crackers but i have gram crackers and smooth penut butter. I used a gram worth of nicely ground up weed with .5 on on 2 crackers. Spead the penut butter on one cracker put weed ontop of that then slapped penut butter on the other cracker and put that ontop. Smushed it together...
  13. C

    Green Dragon

    I want to make some green dragon?
  14. C

    Simple HOTPOCKETS and a DIME

    yes please keep us posted dude. Im sure I would get high of doing this since im a small person. (not that small)
  15. C

    Simple HOTPOCKETS and a DIME

    im picking up a quater tomorrow so I m going to use 2 grams from it to make some firecrackers. I wonder if one firecracker will get me ripped? im gonna make 2 firecrackers, 1 gram for each obvisously.
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