Just put firecrackers in the oven!


New Member
well i dont have crackers but i have gram crackers and smooth penut butter. I used a gram worth of nicely ground up weed with .5 on on 2 crackers. Spead the penut butter on one cracker put weed ontop of that then slapped penut butter on the other cracker and put that ontop. Smushed it together and then spread penut buter on the sides of the crackers for the acess weed stickin out. I wrapped one firecracker in foil and the other one without. They are in the oven now and im exited. This is my first time eating weed!
I just finished eating them and god that tasted terrible. I barely tasted the penut butter. And the weed had a very herby smell and tase to it. It didnt smell at all. If it reaked of anything it was penut butter. It was really hard for me to eat the second firecracker cause of the bad taste. I ca still tase it and its a bad after taste! I downed the crackers with water and im gonna chew on some gum to get rid of the taste. Now I just got to wait for it to kick in! :allgood:
They will almost most defentally work. It will take a while to kick in so hang in there. Edibles are awesome. Join the edited club with me and Pinch.
its been 20 mins i feel buzzed so an extent. Well I will tell you how I cooked them. I put the temperature at 365 and cooked em for 25 minutes. TheN I changed it to 320 and left em in for 10 more minutes. I recommend that you wrap them in tinfoil. The firecracker that was not wrapped in tinfoil was a bit burnt and tasted worse then the firecracker that was wrapped in tinfoil. Ill keep everone posted. Whats the edited club Smokey?
It will take anywere from 1 to 2 1/2 hours. Depends if you ate on empty stomach. When it kicks in you are part of the edited club. The club of edible users. The temps you used were abit high, but still may work. Have fun..
Well its been an hour and im pretty fuckin high and its peaking. My eyes are really droopey to lol! :biggrin: The recipe my friend sent me said 350 but i always bake everythin 10 degrees higher. I lowered it to 320 20-25 mins in. Its almost an hour since I ate them and im slowly getting higher and higher. Wow im probably gonna make more tonight with ym friend. He said he would make me some if it works. He was gonna smoke me on a blunt cause it was the b-day yesterday but I told him to do this instead if it works. :biggrin: its :goof:
INteresting. I thought cannabis broke down above 250 degrees? Am I wrong about the temp? Also, how did the pot get into your bloodstream? Did the THC meld into the peanut butter? I've just never heard of an edible made this way, escept for brownies, and even then, I remember it had to be at a specific tempature. And ugh, actualy eating the weed. Can I suggest you make some butter next time? Once you strain it of the weed, it will be MUCH more pallatable, and you'll be able to save the butter for multiple uses over time :)
i meant that it didnt reak up the kitchen. If u smelled the crackers up close thats what you would smell. I think ill stick to this method I got ripped. I passed out an hour after it took full effect. I urge everyone to try this! All it takes is .5 to a gram. I made the crackers with a buddy last night. This time I had a .5 on one cracker with nutella. It took about 2 hours for it to kick in.
Thepurplem0nkey said:
INteresting. I thought cannabis broke down above 250 degrees? Am I wrong about the temp? Also, how did the pot get into your bloodstream? Did the THC meld into the peanut butter? I've just never heard of an edible made this way, escept for brownies, and even then, I remember it had to be at a specific tempature. And ugh, actualy eating the weed. Can I suggest you make some butter next time? Once you strain it of the weed, it will be MUCH more pallatable, and you'll be able to save the butter for multiple uses over time :)
I believe that's 250 degrees celsious... (sp)
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