Nutella Firecrackers

so weird question. but is it a smart thing to smoke while your eating an edible with weed in it? does it effect the high or ruin it? i am making some fire crackers tonight and i have been smoking so i am just curious. :)

so i wanted to know this too so i tried it both ways to see the difference
with only eating the edible and not smoking i felt more of a "body high" and when i smoked it was more of a head high.
I just found out about the pure heaven that is Nutella, yes I know I was living under a rock... I can't believe I haven't thought of trying this yet.. May have to make some tomorrow.
We made this last night and put about a joint's worth of very nice good quality weed in each cracker. We made those crackers twice before, but didn't put as much in it, because we were kind of scared of getting too much -what with all the rumours about these having a pretty strong effect, also because the THC gets metabolised in a different way when you eat it, and ends up being more psychoactive, and all that.
I thought we had built up a resistance through smoking almost every day for the past few months and not feeling that much any more with one joint. Hahaaa Nope! After about 40 mins, I started wondering if I'm walking strangely, then it started kicking in, and kept getting violently stronger and stronger over the next 5 hours, which felt like eternities. Actually, we completely lost track of time and space. We watched cartoons during the beginning stages, which were already stronger influenced than the usual smoke high for me, and those cartoons suddenly seemed to satanicly pick at my innermost fears and secrets, it was kind of horrible and fascinating at the same time.

After playing videogames and freaking out mentally over them and their glitters and colours (it was really awesome at first, but after about 20 minutes just got way too strong visually), I decided to get my friend up from the couch. It was freaking me out that we were kind of tripping out of our faces and not getting up at all, so I dared him to move, and we did...eventually! Haha.

Out on the street, we walked just so we wouldn't lose our minds, and we lost it anyway. We went into a shop to buy something, I can't remember what it was even though it was last night, but the shop guy sounded to me like he was singing everything he said, and his voice sounded spikey, and those spikes of his voice were sort of piercing into my ears... Outside of the shop, some hobo came up to us, we tried to ignore him but then felt closely followed by him for like 10 minutes. His eyes looked freaky as fuck to me, milky as if they were glowing white. We kept on looking back and seeing him in the corners of our eyes, then got entirely paranoid and I thought he was a zombie that was going to come running at us in this weird way any minute. Then I saw more zombies where absolutely nobody was, I kept hearing whispers in the sound of rain dropping down and for a few minutes I heard my freaking father's voice in EVERY street noise I heard (cars passing by sounded like his throat-clearing, etc). It was the most eery and paranoid thing I've had in a long time. All I could do to try and keep my mind together was to try and laugh at it.

Soo... I recommend :D
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