Recent content by danker

  1. D

    Torco's Harvest PICS

  2. D

    Sheriff's Department Uses Google Earth to Pinpoint Marijuana Fields

    some of those maps are rather old. isnt burlap made from hemp?
  3. D

    Drug-Sniffing Canines Locate Marijuana in Student's Car

    yea, i knew this girl whose car got torn though because the dog "smelled drugs" and it turned out it was after cocopuffs that had gotton hot in tuberware in the sun.
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    I've had a knockoff spacecase for awhile, and i was recently thinking...would little bits of aluminum mix in? i havent noticed anything, but still, i wouldnt want that. it was 20$, its like the 85$ real one.
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    Marijuana Growers Are Taking Their Crops Indoors

    NC, is and odd place for pot, cause there are alot of people that smoke(just like everywhere), but alot of people that have smoked since the 50's and are super secret about it. Like sleeper cells, they marry people who are nazis and vote republican. Green cabin republicans. Idk, i cant really...
  6. D

    Canada Troops Battle 10-ft Afghan Marijuana Plants

    I wish I was downwind, not really, cause that part of the world sucks balls. giant balls.
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    Police Officers Sickened By Marijuana Hamburgers

    yea, i bet they got real sick...i read this somewhere else and it said they went to the hospital and also said the cops noticed it because they tasted it and it was just sitting on the burger, either way, it was stupid as fuck, and it got three people arrested, including the manager.
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    Thieves Raid 'Drug' Field

    ha, i hope they get kicked for selling fake weed
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    Is the law more likely to be suspect depending on the brand of rolling papers?

    i know this guy who was charged with paraphenalia poss for papers, cause they found pot. they can do that just like they can charge you with poss if there is resin in a bowl. only pos cops do it, but most of them are
  10. D

    13-Pound Marijuana Plant Leads To Man's Arrest

    when they weighed it, they prob added 12lbs of dirt cause they do that shit. fuck that guy for having * though.
  11. D

    Vintner's Low Ryder Pics

    thanks, 25$ cheaper
  12. D

    Hydroponic Grow Room

    my bad, i just said that cause it stoped with seed ordering, but i looked around the site. and this is grow room setup forum anyways. anyways, after seeing this ur in my top 5 heros, prob number 4. ive been dreaming of setup like this.
  13. D

    Hydroponic Grow Room

    this is a hella cool setup...where is the rest?
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