Recent content by defeojemma

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  3. defeojemma


    What are some really good fans that have a gentle breeze that are on amazon?
  4. defeojemma

    How do they look

    Hello everyone! I just wanted to post my seedlings to see if anyone can give me tips! I planted them about 8 days ago! Any tips on transplanting, stem growth.... anything would help :)
  5. defeojemma


    Hello my name is Jemma, I live in the state of New York! I have just started growing, but I have been smoking for years! My favorite color is red and My favorite strain is Alaskan ThunderFuck. Any tips on how to make my plant better would be great!
  6. defeojemma

    Skunk #1 - 90 Watt LED Grow

    How far away is your light from the seedling?
  7. defeojemma


    So I was curious, could you use an aromatherapy diffuser to add humidity to your grow room or would the essential oils make the plant weaker/kill it?
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