Recent content by dingusmcgee

  1. D

    What Would A Federal Marijuana Crackdown Look Like?

    Sessions will make everyone a racketeer under RICO. there is a for-profit prison cell waiting just for you.
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    Jeff Sessions May Hate Pot, But That Doesn't Mean He'll Be A Total Buzzkill

    if Sessions is allowed to influence cannabis policy or enforcement, you can be certain that he will do everything in his power to reintroduce prohibition to its fullest extent.
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    WA: Former Seattle Police Chief - We Could Become A 'Sanctuary City' For Marijuana

    Re: WA: Former Seattle Police Chief - We Could Become A 'Sanctuary City' For Marijuan Sessions is a lose-lose for cannabis. if he takes a "hands-off" approach, that just means he'll appoint somebody to carry out his cannabis policy on a day-to-day basis, but you can bet he'll do everything in...
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    CA: Potency In Pot Will Be Regulated Under New Medical Cannabis Law

    more reefer madness propaganda being written into law. does anyone still believe that the ongoing 'legalization' efforts are anything more than prohibition for profit?
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    The Marijuana Industry Pulls Victory From The Jaws Of A DEA Defeat

    i dont see any positive side to this for cannabis support. this is an incremental move in policy. even cannabis support from the Democratic Party, and soon to be prez Hillary, want to make cannabis Schedule II and give regulatory control to the FDA. once the FDA, big pharma and the...
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    Washington Will Conduct Cannabis Research In Violation Of The Law

    considering that WA has effectively killed its MMJ program in favor of retail, and considering that the WA Legislature and Governors Office dont know a corrupt law when they enact it, i think this is a sham. like the recent DEA ruling, its another part of the movement to put 'legalized'...
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    Washington: Local Scientist Says Some Pot Testing Labs Going Too Easy On Growers

    worst case scenario is that producers know they wont be tested for pesticides and wont need to worry about using them. ask your local I-502 retailer to give you the specifics on what chemicals were used in the grow process of his products, and see how far you get with that. not really...
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    State Auditor Says Issue 3 Not The Way To Legalize Medical Marijuana

    what about the merits of Issue 2 -vs- Issue 3?
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    Lacey Receives First Marijuana Revenue Distribution From Washington

    nothing because WA hasnt legalized cannabis. welcome to prohibition 2.0.
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    Washington To Allow More Dispensaries

    this is pure lip service from the WA LCB. they have no intention of allowing the medical market to interfere with the revenue of the recreational market. with a patient registry, and onerous conditions placed on medical providers issuing recommendations, there wont be many customers...
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    New Side-Effect Of Washington's Marijuana Law

    welcome to the new 'legalization' = prohibition 2.0.
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    Chris Christie Perpetuates Myths About Marijuana During The Debate

    Bernie Sanders is the only candidate that represents any change from the status quo. Rand Paul is a vote chaser who'll say whatever he thinks you want to hear.
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    Why Russ Belville Fights For Ohio Marijuana Legalization

    then there little things known as the Supremacy Clause and Commerce Clause which will maintain the federal prohibition despite the 10th Amendment. in any case, invoking the 10th really only supports the argument for continued prohibition of a substance that should never have been legally...
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    Why Russ Belville Fights For Ohio Marijuana Legalization

    if you want freedom, then federal repeal is the only solution. every other option, like whats been proposed here, is another form of prohibition. the deep pockets moving towards 'legalization' in OH are headed in the same direction as what happened in WA. Russ is just another common...
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    Washington: Medical Marijuana Registry Viewed Warily

    the law is written to be self-incriminating for the individual. that in itself is unconstitutional, but it shows the level of corruption in Olympia and what legislators are willing to do for money.
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